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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Is this just for story purposes? I don’t really care about the story, just wanna see some cool graphics and gameplay
  2. Good to hear it opens up. Linear just seems so restricted to me these days. At least you don’t get lost
  3. I didn’t play the first one, so far this is okay.. it’s extremely linear and a lot of basic things you can’t do, like walk through bushes.. 7 seems fair so far
  4. Just got done playing some. Looks great on series x, but would have preferred 60fps
  5. And there it is, BOTW was too hard for you
  6. You clearly forgot to take your meds today
  7. As the most popular game in the model, yes you dumb ass. If you think Fortnite has no influence… “Overwatch 2 only exists because of assasians creed!!!1 ”
  8. My hype for this game was -1000. Than like -500. Then like +2. Back to around -500.
  9. The limited time BS is what Fortnite started, the reason people get fomo, the whole reason for this thread god damn y’all are getting dropped like FLIES
  10. Was Destiny F2P because the Sims came out? Did Assasians Creed cause Halo to start charging $20 a skin? Or wait, was it fucking Street Fighter’s success that birthed COD Warzone? Do you understand how stupid you sound?
  11. And yet, none of those lead destiny, halo, and COD jumping on board. Oddly enough, they only did it after Fortnite… just like I said. you’re focused on micro transactions, I’m talking about the rotating “limited time” shop which is the main focus of the game, those games had skins… but they weren’t the main point of the game… if you think war zone is around because of the sims 4.. well I understand why your life is the way it is. boy, you typed that whole post out just to get owned
  12. Ok, name a popular game on console. You’re running from the fact because Fortnite is the biggest one, and it’s not even close. but you’ll keep being a cuck and avoiding so we can move on as it’s not even the point of the thread. The point is why do people get pissed if a company prices a skin at $100000? It’s just a fucking skin.
  13. Then name all the popular console games with the model prior to Fortnite
  14. I’m not asking who invented it. I’m also referring to console
  15. Fortnite made them mainstream. Without a doubt. There’s no sense in arguing it, most of gamings biggest shooting franchises have all followed suit. Even games like rocket league. again- there weren’t many (if any) console games like this prior to Fortnite. Fortnite made it popular. I don’t care about pc or mobile.
  16. That was a one time dlc. Not a rotating store where the entire game is based on it
  17. Multiplayer. Anywhere from 1v1 to 32v32.
  18. Name the most popular game on consoles with them prior to Fortnite
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