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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. This thing obviously passed the Nintendo seal of quality. Switch owners have nothing to be worried about
  2. I had no idea this wasn’t out? You mean I can’t just walk into Best Buy and get one?
  3. How much did the other halos sell? I feel like this is an expected number
  4. Say what you want, but Mario Odyssey compared to super Mario Galaxy are completely different. This is a remaster, with identical (and outdated) gameplay as the original. Why would you ever play this over the second one, which has at least more modern gameplay. you won’t really ever find me hyping a remake. Would you watch a remake of avatar 1… or any movie that was released in the last 10 years?
  5. dynamic 820p - 1080p fsr 1.0 present in the copyright, but may not be used (same as Switch Sports) hud is 1080p no portable capture, may be similar to Splatoon 2 60fps is pretty locked, good frame time John will do the full review
  6. Cows are so desperate for games they’re willing to replay a game with 2013 gameplay
  7. I just prefer my fingers being on the analog sticks at all times, it’s better in every situation.
  8. Just an example there are plenty of others where it’s useful. Shooting games or games where aim is required are obviously what these are geared for though
  9. It’s just a learning curve. I use all four for the face buttons and have no issues now. It is still half assed, they could have gave you the option to use four.
  10. They’re back buttons that can be mapped to be another (existing) button. for instance when playing a fps and let’s say X is jump, you have to take your thumb off the right stick, which means you can’t aim. Now you can keep your thumb on an analog and hit jump at the same time by using the paddle (button on the back) that being said, Sony half baking as usual and only providing two paddles….
  11. Isn’t it just if your friends like or retweet you see friends of friends?
  12. So essentially an elite. Solid, but I’m sure it’ll be overpriced. also, the paddles.. it says replaceable, but are they removable? I’d assume so, but there are some scruff controllers that don’t allow this. Those suck are there only two paddles on this? I used two for a while but finally got used to four, four is superior.
  13. Yet switch has the best games. It’s the most premium
  14. Why aren’t they? They aren’t 1/3rd of the price as PS5
  15. No, your logic is flawed. Xbox and switch are not selling at 1/3rd what PS is selling at.
  16. I played some more this morning (I’m pathetic).. the stages really need some work. Are they adding more characters?
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