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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I have mine behind the TV stand 😂
  2. The ps controller has been trash since the 90s
  3. I hate the PS controller and find their OS janky as hell, those are two big reasons. They’re also anti consumer as can be, way worse than MS. im not a MS fan. I’m a Nintendo fan. But there so debate to be had because switch is selling like hot cakes still.
  4. I’ve never watched a second of Harry Potter or read a word out of the book cancel the game
  5. Id be all over an Apple console. But I don’t have that choice 😭
  6. I think he's severely butt hurt that Dre kept bringing folks up after him and he basically got pushed out the house. The diss of em is just grasping straws. People might actually give this some attention if he had some ground to go at him on, he just sounds like a angry ex girlfriend.
  7. Drake doesn’t even write his own shit who cares what he has to say
  8. He’s mad he wasn’t included in the Super Bowl lmao
  9. That was far from a war lol Drake got smacked. this though seems very manufactured. Game is such a clout chaser (and a massive Stan)
  10. You’re boys with all the liberals on this site you’d tag team a chick with a dick with aza in a heartbeat, you’d finally lose your virginity
  11. But how can one really say, without playing the game? @Hot Sauce
  12. It’s just weird, how do you have a favorite race
 when you don’t play the game? @Hot Sauce
  13. I don’t think you’d find anyone to disagree other than @jehurey @TLHBO and @Goukosan, the forums only apple haters. What they’re doing with these M chips is insane.
  14. Weird how you could say this with only playing under 10% of the races though @Hot Sauce
  15. It makes total sense. Only a cow would deny it. Sonys officially third party though.
  16. No, I said they’d force gamepass to be on PS5. Which they will. The streaming version.. xCloud or whatever it’s called (trash)
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