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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Sure, I’ll post my PSN profile. I got my PS5 a few months ago, my username is completely original. It has two games on it, Astro world and HFW. Then I’ll show you it’s mine by posting a time stamp and my name. Are you gonna agree to the the bet now? This will be a perm sig change bet too
  2. Got it. We’ll see how far I make it lol. Is Randall’s death at least satisfying without giving too much away? Idk how it could be… he did the worst thing a man could ever do to another man lmao.
  3. I’m on S2 now. Season 1 was good but I def agree with what you said. Just started season 2, how are the rest? Worth watching? There’s a shit ton of seasons. I also could be watching other shows, I’m like 60/40 on the show, parts of it are great and there are some very obviously stupid parts. oh and obviously I’m replying to a very old post
  4. I’ll get some in tomorrow night
  5. I at least assume so. I got to the main town.. started doing missions for that fellow. Honestly it’s been months, I don’t know what the tutorial ends with, I don’t even know what the tutorial was. Thinking back they showed me how to use trip wires at one point, I was probably 2-3 hours past that. What’s the first trophy outside of it?
  6. Sony to push GT7 as a good game when you hate it? I sure do!
  7. Wanna sig bet on who has more trophies?
  8. @FIREPOWER @-GD-X admittedly I want to like the game, you can tell the production values are high. I’ll give it another try and report back soon none the less, I have more trophies than @jehurey
  9. You were bored because it reminded you of the first game, I was bored because it wasn’t fun. there’s a difference.
  10. Never played the first one, can’t comment. Like I said in another post, I’ll likely give it another try. But usually when you are HOURS in and it’s not fun, time to call it quits
  11. It’s not a bad game by any means it’s just slow. I never played the first one so I guess I wasn’t expecting the slow start (not sure If the first one was similar, but I would expect the long tutorial in the first one.. not the second) and it doesn’t feel like a “tutorial” I mean it’s just open world gameplay with a few markers. I just assumed it was always that slow. Maybe I’ll go back to it at some point
  12. The game is extremely simple and does not need a 4 hour tutorial. I beat Elden ring which Has a 3 minute tutorial and is infinitely times more complex LOL maybe that’s the problem for me, I came off ER and this game just doesn’t compete in anyway
  13. Is all you do, because you hate HFW
  14. The best way to describe this game is, dont listen to someone who’s barely played it jerry HATES HFW
  15. Is constantly reminding you that you hate GT7
  16. are You claiming they’re done releasing patches for the game?
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