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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. No, they literally said “our preferred way to play is on Xbox” LMAO
  2. I am in perfect position to say that. I beat the game, with VRR, making the ride silky smooth. I mean, DF has already agreed. They said it’s their preferred way to play. now, continue crying just like daddy ghostz told you to do.
  3. oh man, he’s fully melting down now. I bet he tries to project with the very next post all because he prefers Xbox over PS. I mean, we all knew it
  4. It never drops to 30 fps on Xbox But it sure is in the low 40s.. consistently, on PS. Thats why they said ps5 is the worst version to play the game. LOL
  5. Uh huh, whatever helps you sleep at night Your PS5 has been turned on 4 times this year lmfao.
  6. And it doesn’t matter, per DF, because Xbox has a fully implemented VRR set up. you wouldn’t know
  7. Why would I cry? I beat the game, and at the time, it was the best version. Now it may be outdone by PC, but surely not PS5. Meanwhile you’ve said the game is too hard for you, and your platform of choice has the worst version. You’re the only one crying.
  8. PC should always be best, really, assuming your PC is capable. Sony intentionally half baking VRR on PS5 because their TVs can’t process it correctly.. now THAT is priceless.
  9. a live look at Jerry after being forced to realize Elden ring is the worst on PlayStation
  10. Gouk bragged about the worst version selling the best, I simply laughed at him for it. now you’re having a major meltdown over Elden ring being a mess on PS5
  11. Who knows if it will be any better on ps, but I have no reason to use discord on console anyway
  12. https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2022/07/ps5-ps4-pipped-to-the-discord-punch-despite-investment-and-partnership how does that even happen?
  13. Speaking of crying, look at you crying Elden Ring is the worst on PS5 there’s a reason none of your cow friends are backing you up.
  14. Considering Halo looks like ass, this is probably good news.
  15. "Microsoft's system-level integration of variable refresh rate (VRR) support at least resolves this [frame rate] issue - if it's an option for you, we recommend setting your screen to 60Hz (even if it supports 120Hz) and using VRR here to smooth out the performance drops. All told, this is our preferred way to play the game across any available system
  16. Nope, they said PS5 is all over the place, and I’d youre a PS owner… play the ps4 version
  17. It sure is noticeable on PS5, where VRR doesn’t work below 48fps
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