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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. No, we catch you lying with every post. You’re not changing the subject to anyone else.
  2. I played it for two hours!!!1 you’re owned!!! that what he’s standing on, right now.
  3. I beat it takes two months before you did. And weird, your Xbox gamertag says you played it there.. no sight of it takes two on your psn profile. he got caught lying… AGAIN
  4. No, he didn’t. You haven’t touched the game in over a month.
  5. He abandoned this thread as soon as GT7 was brought up LMAO
  6. Let’s make I’m beat GT7.. a game he fucking despises.
  7. He’s now taking posts out of context after his novel got zero response. Pulling every trick out of the book he has, but he’s yet to play a game.
  8. Unravel is 4 years old and GTA is a 10 year old port LMFAO
  9. there is no trying, I just did. you still don’t play video games. meanwhile I have every console, damn it feels good to play games.. not just talk about them.
  10. I got this boy typing up novels because I exposed him for not owning or playing ps5 holy fuck, he’s actually furious
  11. Now he’s mad when people don’t give money to Microsoft. This dude just can’t keep his own story together. btw, there is no limit until either of you give me a number. Go scour the web, peasant.
  12. No one has EVER failed against you, you spend all day and night on a gaming forum and you don’t play games. We’ve all beat you down.. you’re a battered wife
  13. Nope, you actually don’t. Which is why you don’t play games on it. we can all see it, you made it visible to us LOL.
  14. and the limit is …..? he thought that would work, but he has no idea if the limit even exists. It even say it “often” exists, it didn’t say it did meanwhile i know the limit that he’ll have to spend to get this on ps, $18.99 a month!
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