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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I don’t care about Xbox winning. I want switch to be first, dummy. i also want ps5 last. Right where it belongs
  2. Elden ring has came and gone. And was best on X cows getting this feature YEARS late.. after claiming VRR doesn’t work watch Sonys not work at all
  3. It doesn’t matter what the demand for PS5 is when they can’t make them
  4. Losers in their 40s playing edging FPS on their overpriced, underpowered PCs
  5. Who do you think will be in third for March?
  6. No, we were laughing about Sony being last again. And they are whether you look at UK or all to Europe.
  7. @-GD-X get the golden vow or whatever remeberance and go to the farming spot. After getting it to plus 8 or so it will wipe out them all with one click of a button
  8. How can you even play such old games. The mechanics are just so…. Dated.
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