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Long Ball Larry

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Posts posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. 13 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Yeah, Nvidia and AMDs new GPUs will be announced and coming soon.  Just as Sony closes the gap a bit, new GPUs will widen it again lol.  And this is the console they're stuck with for the next 4 years, which is basically 2 more GPU cycles, and multiple CPU cycles..


    PS fans should enjoy the Pro... but some of them are getting a little too crazy with the shit they're spewing on twitter lmao.

    I’d imagine the next Xbox will come out around 2026. Should be an interesting time that the cycles won’t align. 

  2. 1 minute ago, FIREPOWER said:

    The graphs do not lie Cuckstz, says right there they made $10 billion from the PS5. Up and down movements in the stock market have nothing to do with operating profit you shit for brains retard :cruise:


    Head of PlayStation Studios Hermen Hulst also posted on the Sony Interactive Entertainment blog, saying, "PlayStation 5 is in its fourth year, and we are at a stage where we need to step back and look at what our business needs. At the same time, our industry has experienced continuing and fundamental change which affects how we all create, and play, games."



    • dead 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:




    Sony own words from their Financial statements: 'MOST PROFITABLE GENERATION TO-DATE"


    Cuckstz and Dynoretard: ":lemming::lemming: But the margins"

    :kaz: Who do we believe here? The multi-billion dollar corporation who employs Ivy League graduates with 7 figure salaries to figure out their money or do we believe two village idiots without GED degrees who post on a hole in the wall forum called "System Wars"? The cope is insane.




    My guy, the company just plunged 10 billion a few months ago, you have NO idea what you’re talking about and it shows 😂😂😂😂

  4. 1 minute ago, FIREPOWER said:

    :kaz: Your dumbass doesn’t know what operating income is. Someone literally had to explain it to you here the other day. GTFOH Cuckstz, you are a complete dunce and imbecile.



    :mj:  Reduced margins in manufacturing has nothing to do with profits especially when the PS5 hasn’t had a single price drop since launch. They aren’t losing money on any console. Their graphs have already shown this, you are a total retard with zero facts backing up the bullshit you are spewing in this thread.


    Sony’s graphs from their financial reports clearly show they’ve made $10 billion in profits this gen. That’s more than they made in all other gen’s combined. The numbers do not lie Cuckstz unlike your girlfriend telling you that you’re the best she’s ever had as she cuckolds you with better men in front of your face  :drake:

    he’s digging his hole deeper :kaz: bu bu I have 2 semesters of business classes gaiz :D 



    holy fuck what an idiot :D 


    Sonys profits dwindling more and more by the quarter :hehe:

  5. 3 minutes ago, Sabo said:

    Wonder how bad the Panthers are gonna suck this year. Surely they can do better than last year's performance, right?



    .... Right?

    I would change teams asap bro that team is hot garbage. Bryce young will be out of the league in 2 years 

  6. 37 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    ^ ^ This guy is a complete retard. Still doesn’t get it after being explained to multiple times in multiple threads. No wonder you get cucked daily by your “girl” and think that you are still a man :cruise:

    LMAO this GED applicant still lives with his parents and is acting like he knows anything about business. 

    Sony is desperately putting IP on other platforms and releasing hardware with no support… because they’re making more money than ever!!!! :lemming:

  7. 7 hours ago, madmaltese said:

    Will still play the same. Just some cool little additions and immersion with it. Especially since you literally ride a dual sense in the game lol

    How are you gonna blow into the controller for the bubble level lol

  8. Just now, Cooke said:

    Played this last night at a friends house. It feels exactly like a Nintendo game. Like Mario 3d world with some Mario Galaxy. 

    Pretty much. Still fun but definitely on the lower end of platforming IMO. 

  9. 20 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:


    ^  ^ Two complete retards who don’t know the meaning of profit margins and operating income agreeing with each other :cruise:


    Cuckstz, you shit for brains retard. Margins are lower for console manufacturing and that’s why they haven’t cut the price but they are STILL making more profit than ever on their business as their graphs show. Lower margins doesn’t mean less profit you total imbecile :kaz:

    That said, a number of financial analysts are actually more concerned about another figure from Sony’s most recent earnings – it’s operating profit margin. A company’s operating margin basically measures what percentage of every dollar they spend is made back in profit, and for this past big holiday quarter, Sony’s margin was only 6 percent. By comparison, the margin was 9 percent for the same quarter a year ago, and around 12 to 13 percent prior to 2022



  10. $700+…. For nothing!!!! :tom:

    Also… Space Marine will still perform like shit on the Pro :D 


    According to Digital Foundry channel, GTA VI should only run at 30fps on the PS5 Pro, as the new hardware doesn't have what it takes to reach 60fps, requiring a “technological miracle”.

    I still assume that GTA VI will be a 30fps game, unless some kind of technological miracle happens, and there is no technology in the PS5 Pro that can change that.

    DF says that the fact that the PS5 Pro keeps the same CPU is disappointing, having to leave all the 60fps burden to the GPU and the PSSR upscaling technology. This wouldn't help CPU-limited games that focus heavily on simulation, such as GTA VI and the recently released Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2.




  11. 2 hours ago, FIREPOWER said:

    :kaz:It's making more revenue and way more profit  you retard. PS5s haven't had a single price drop since launch you idiot.


    The profit of the PS5 alone is higher than the PS1, PS2, PS3, and PS4 combined.








    The data is right here in Sony's own graphs from their financial statements. The numbers don't lie you complete retard.

    He understands NOTHING :mroff:


    I’ll even use your favorite source, @FIREPOWER:





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