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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. He thinks he broke me (he didn’t) like he broke his copy of returnal
  2. I just respec’d and put my strength at 99 and killed rykard in under 30 seconds lmfao. Also got the mimic now too😎
  3. he’s acting like I’m angry about him not playing returnal
  4. You can’t summon ashes or a horse during co op. It sucks ass. Biggest (and really my only) complaint, it was (I thought) advertised as a co op adventure game… but even when I Google it was known as far back as June, still disappointing.
  5. the chicks look dumb but the gain publicity. I had no idea who Julia fox or this new kim lookalike were before their relationships with him. these bitches are obviously desperate for attention tho
  6. Lol you’re a real gamer. Been cheesing my way thru and still loving it. Tho I’ve def got better, rolling patterns are pretty simple once you get used it
  7. I think I wanna get the mimmick ashes, I’m level 124 and my highest ash is +4 wolves
  8. 3rd AAAE since November for Microsoft, not bad.
  9. I hate night time. Idk why y’all fools enjoy it. sun>>>> enjoy that life of darkness
  10. Well yeah, but most people just referencing in general. Technically the opposite of the thread title
  11. I literally called exactly what he was going to post
  12. now he’s copying me I couldn’t have played him harder
  13. Leaving the capital is pretty unbearable. There is no grace forever
  14. Steamrolled morgott first try without even getting hit
  15. Did you actually think that would work this time? In this thread?
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