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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I can only imagine his phone, not that anyones texting him but I bet with all the porn sites he has over 10k emails just sitting there LOL
  2. Sorry sweetie, you already claimed you didn’t type those words. Are you backing down from this claim too, like you have all thread?
  3. No, you said those aren’t your words. Are you backing down from that claim?
  4. Are you implying someone else typed those words?????????? are you sure you want to deny typing those, right now?????
  5. I did not type a single word in either of these quotes. They’re your words, typed by you & you only. You said these, and that’s the final proof I’ll be posting as it’s been 3 times now. Still waiting on you to show your hours, since you claimed you’ve played it for 6 hours. But you won’t do that, you’ll run because you hate it, as proven above.
  6. No, they are your words. You typed those exact words. Yes or no?
  7. Those are your words. I didn’t type them. Go look, it’s 4 posts up.
  8. hey man, your words.. not mine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That’s the second round of proof in this thread. Case closed, now.
  9. Thanks for keeping track of your post count on playing dumb. You saw the proof already. what? You saw the proof already.
  10. I ended up smoking him lol. I just didn’t realize those big purple balls shoot out at you. Durrr. He just seemed to shoot every time I turned my back for a second for a while. I’m way over leveled idc though, having fun with it. I only hit him with the bow like 6-7 times, mainly just respawned the Allies over and over
  11. Sorry sweetie, hitting enter over and over again isn’t going to work. You hate returnal, and it’s been proven.
  12. It’s just not gonna work, not this time. Your requested proof has been posted already, in this very thread.
  13. You first claimed that all sales were up 158%. Wrong. then you claimed it was up 130%. Wrong now what are you even trying to claim?
  14. I’ve already proved you wrong, via this thread. Go take a look.
  15. There are several posts in the thread with the proof in it. Sorry, looks like you have an awful memory. That’s okay, I’ll keep reminding you.
  16. The proof is the post, in this thread. Several posts had the quote, actually. You really didn’t think… that … would work, did you?
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