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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. This thread is the proof, as it’s already been posted in this very thread.
  2. And I am specifically saying it has. And to go read the thread for your answer.
  3. It has already been posted. Go read the thread.
  4. Wrong. I posted a direct quote. A direct quote you then quoted. now, you’re in denial.
  5. It’s really fun to use. I increased my faith for it and don’t really regret it but might respec for a bit to take down radahn
  6. Plan on getting to it after Elden Ring.
  7. Sorry, not interested in a new argument. Still waiting for you to acknowledge proof was posted if you hating Returnal. You just keep losing.
  8. I haven’t backtracked or move forward. We’re still stuck waiting for your response after a direct quote of you hating returnal was posted. You’ve still failed the acknowledge it. Sorry, sweetie.
  9. So Radahn keeps one shotting me. I consistently get him to 1/3rd health and then if I take my eyes off him he somehow one shots me. Any tips? Just keep my eyes on him at all time? Farm and raise my vigor? I’m a 103 or some shit, I have no issues with taking health off him… I just don’t have time to take it all down. I’m just using Loretta’s bow over and over… boring fight.
  10. Where did I ask you to say it? You already admitted to it.
  11. Admit you hate Returnal. It wasn’t even hard.
  12. more playing dumb, I love it. This is how I’ve forced you to act.
  13. I have already posted it. It’s there for you to view. Sorry, not interested in helping you with your literacy skills. Boy, he really thinks playing dumb will get him out of this. LOL
  14. go read the thread. Playing dumb isn’t going to work here, hun.
  15. It has already been posted, and you pretending it wasn’t just isn’t gonna work. Not….. here.
  16. No, you made the claim you were gonna play this co op, so I proved (via direct quote) you hate this game. my claim was proven correct, meanwhile you haven’t done anything to disprove it. im waiting, sweetie.
  17. It’s not my job to help you read the thread. Go find it yourself. You’ve already quoted the post where I posted it. You’re back to playing dumb
  18. No, it’s sales are down. It’s digital sales are up 185%. Lol. Moron.
  19. I have already provided a direct quote of you hating the game. You keep asking for something that was already posted.
  20. And when it comes to Digital, ER had a big advantage https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2022-03-10-elden-ring-downloads-keep-gran-turismo-7-from-no-1-uk-digital-charts
  21. Sorry, sweetie. It was the first and only argument. one you still haven’t addressed.
  22. the only argument was that you hate returnal. I even posted a direct quote proving it. you’ve lost on every attempt to change the subject ever since
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