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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. They never are. You’re always faster, just lure them out and loot that bitch.
  2. Yeah the map is huge. I was like 20+ hours in until I realized there was an area south of where you start. I think you discovered that right away lol. Just funny.
  3. Bro. Elden Ring was never planned to be made until BOTW came out.
  4. Except that it’s open world
  5. @Remij I can’t argue on jehureys side here, so imma need you to admit ER took inspirations from BOTW. There is 0% chance you’ve played BOTW and deny this. It’s fine to also just say you’ve never played BOTW (dunno if this is true) but any one who has played both see the resemblance extremely easily. again, this is not a bad thing. It’s the best possible compliment an open world game can currently have.
  6. You’re too stubborn to realize this is a worse look than just admitting youre wrong. Why do you think we continuously make you double down? all for a game you don’t play and a technology you can’t use.
  7. Maybe it inspired it to be an open world? Well no shit, and that open world is 99% of the people are loving it. So it inspired the biggest change in the souls series. I’d say BOTW was significant in the ER development, then.
  8. Best Buy is doing it again but put a $75 cap on it this year
  9. Best Buy is doing it again but put a $75 cap on it this year
  10. Up to 374 lolz. I never even use it I feel
  11. Gonna hop into it a little later, only played like two minutes so far
  12. My man it costs my 26k to level up now. It gets old doing that lol
  13. I haven’t summoned anyone but if you do, aren’t you unable to summon ashes?
  14. There are some major rune exploits. Just look up rune farming. this one is ridiculous lol. I try not to do it too much bc it will kinda kill the fun of the game, but when I need a few runes I hop over here lol one key thing is you have to look at the ball go off the edge to get the 2k, for some reason it doesn’t work if you don’t
  15. The game went into development 2 months after BOTW dropped. It no BOTW, you woulda got dark souls 4.
  16. i mean tell that to all the reviewers that said it takes siginificant influence from BOTW
  17. Just go explore and level up. You’ll come back and kill the boss in a few swipes
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