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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. He’s still trying. anywho, guess I’ll try it out since it’s on gamepass. Add another game to the list Jerry talks about but doesn’t play
  2. And you’ll realize the significance of it. Trust me, I turned it off to test it on ER. World of a difference. it will make the PS5 version much better then it currently is.
  3. I can say that Elden ring is a lot smoother to the eye on Xbox, which there is nothing you can say about THAT PARTICULAR issue, is there?
  4. LOL so you have a VRR tv. So your arguement is irrelevant. anywho, yeah my girl watches and leaves my cx on all the time smh
  5. Sorry, not interesting in rebooting the argument or starting a new one. Let’s keep this on topic. and considering you have never played it, you have no opinion here. anyone wanna give me the scoop?
  6. OLEDS aren’t 2k necessarily, and plenty of cheaper options support VRR. This is reminiscent on the, who cares about HD argument. VRR will be included on most new mid to high end tvs.
  7. Now that Jerry admitted ER is best on Xbox, we can get back to the topic at hand. So what makes this better than the Avengers game?
  8. Microsoft's system-level integration of variable refresh rate (VRR) support at least resolves this issue - if it's an option for you, we recommend setting your screen to 60Hz (even if it supports 120Hz) and using VRR here to smooth out the performance drops. All told, this is our preferred way to play the game across any available system -
  9. They said the frame rate is. They didn’t say it’s their preferred way to play, that goes to Xbox.
  10. Smoothest yes, but even DF prefers to play on the series X version per their latest article due to the trade offs. When/if PS5 gets vrr, that changes, but until then… yep, best on Xbox with vrr (as I’ve stats for weeks now)
  11. If Sony didn’t need it to have their games run without judder, why does DF prefer the Xbox version with VRR?
  12. You have one post to show me the quote, otherwise you’ve admitted the Xbox version is best. best of luck 🤪
  13. How is rebooting the argument when I’m asking for you to provide proof of your claim? if you don’t provide the quote in the next post, you’ve admitted it’s best on Xbox. tootles 😘
  14. when did DF say they preferred the PS4 version? why can’t PS5 do vrr? I’ve been asking these two questions all thread after your statements. Do you back pedal from them now? if you don’t answer, I’m guessing you’ve given up.
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