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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. If you put both in non vrr mode, PS5 runs better. Too bad I have vrr mode but cows won’t use it either way, because they said it sucks. If they use it, well, they’re owned because I told them it was godly and they denied it
  2. Hey, take it up with them. It’s DF’s most recent, official statement on ER. Damn it is almost old owning you but then the mega ownages, like this one arrive, and phewww. This one hurts you, I know it.
  3. Well about damn time. Too bad cows won’t be using it, they’ve spent the last several weeks saying it sucks.
  4. ive been saying this for WEEKS, and you’ve been denying it. Oh man, the pain you felt while typing this post
  5. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2022-elden-ring-ps5-xbox-series-tech-report holy fuck thank you for raping yourself
  6. Holy shit, he’s melting down because it’s best on Xbox with VRR, as I’ve said all along. That and GT7 H:FW both flopped.
  7. Series X is in much the same boat - the difference being that while running the Xbox One X version is technically possible on the new console, realistically it is not recommended as this process locks you out of patch updates and online features. Microsoft's system-level integration of variable refresh rate (VRR) support at least resolves this issue - if it's an option for you, we recommend setting your screen to 60Hz (even if it supports 120Hz) and using VRR here to smooth out the performance drops. All told, this is our preferred way to play the game across any available system - though in n
  8. I don’t like playing last gen games. The graphics are trash. dff said if you want perfectly smooth, go ps4. If you want the best next gen experience, go Xbox. hey bro, I get it, you play more ps4 games anyway so I’m sure you don’t mind. i enjoy that next gen fidelity with next gen tech (vrr), tho.
  9. Nope, I’ll just take Johns word since he is the console specialist over there. additionally, the guy in the video above is a Sony homer by far. He wants to say PS5s version is best but just can’t recommend it over the smoooooooOoOoOoOoOoOthness of VRR. I mean, sheeesh, you’re so pissed you even refused to buy Elden ring on PS5, despite your friend playing.. LOL
  10. A remake that released a year and a half ago???? theres still time to delete your post. I’ll even remove the screen grab
  11. I’ve had a vrr enabled tv for over a year and a half. I’ve always preached it. But now the gaming tech industry is just realizing how badly Sony and PS5 are missing it.. LOL.
  12. hey, take it up with the guy in the video and John at DF. They said it runs best on Xbox with vrr. not my fault Sony doesn’t support it yet
  13. Less smooth w no stutter > more “smooth” with judder. glad you chose your words wisely, bub. Enjoy that stutter. oh wait, Elden ring is too hard for you. LOL.
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