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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. It will fail bc it’s obviously made for adults, but adults would rather just buy a PC. Nintendo wins because of its mass appeal and exclusive games.
  2. @jehurey @FIREPOWER @-GD-X best on Xbox with vrr, confirmed
  3. Can you delevel a weapon ? I have a plus 5 but it sucks and I dunno where to find more smith stone 1s
  4. I turned it off just for shits and gigs and it’s an entirely different game with it off. Vrr is king
  5. Do you have a vrr set? Having played 20+ hours on Xbox I’ve came across one visible slowdown for a whole 2 seconds.
  6. I don’t believe I can get into the final one or two areas just yet but having explored what feels like a lot (but also very little) .. just wild, this game is something else. The atmosphere is absolutely incredible and some insane vistas that look like game art. I also love finding ways to cheese the enemies
  7. Margit is really easy with wolves. im still stuck on godrick but I haven’t even attempted him in a day or so. Went up like 15 levels while exploring deeeeep and as far as I could go in the game. Gonna whoop him up later
  8. So Co op sucks ass. You can’t ride your horse or even summon your npc attacks. Wtf.
  9. Fair, I mean Zelda was almost the same way so I figured to go there
  10. Bruh I hit an old lady with a sword on a bridge and she disappeared and said I am cursed. Idk what this means lol
  11. So ugh, I killed the merchant after godrick lol. Think I kinda ducked up, he doesn’t respawn. Got some bell I think I can give to the two headed people at the round table tho
  12. Co op is finally working, gonna try some later. I know world progression doesn’t occur if you’re a guest, but you keep runes. What about weapons, items, etc?
  13. I am about to fight Godrick but still haven’t figured out a way to do incarnations. I have the fire sling but am unable to use it. I missed the witch early but abs got the finger seal at the round table, have the incarnation equipped but still can’t use it.
  14. I’ve only noticed the frame rate drop once after like 8 hours. Vrr
  15. Definitely getting a lot better at the game, I just don’t know what anything does really. Lol. Just gotta remember not to rush into things and take it slow
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