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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Not sure why he’s even in here. He already said the game is too hard for him (literally his words LOL)
  2. When? and the game (pre patch) runs 43-48 fps currently. There is no drastic drop But I’m done discussing this with you, considering you won’t be playing the game as it’s too hard for you LOL
  3. Yet you’re the one quoting me From a conversation 3 hours ago
  4. PS5 isn’t holding 60FPS either, too bad it doesn’t have vrr
  5. This, 100%. BOTW paved the way for this masterpiece. @kaz
  6. Why don’t you explain to me how you think it works. @Remij here we go again.
  7. Wait til the results of that day 1 patch are released
  8. I mean there are plenty of reasons to own a good tv. I didn’t buy it for VRR retard. Thats like saying you shouldn’t need to buy a good tv to have perfect blacks, but ya do. sorry you don’t have one lmao. Vrr would be very helpful on PS5 bc there are drops all over the place unless you’re looking straight down lmfao.
  9. I will be getting the best PC, tho it won’t be ready by Friday. too bad the game is broke on PC Talk about unplayable !
  10. IGN and GS said it too. Cows downplaying VRR because their console and TVs don’t support it, LOL. It’s more important than 4K
  11. 30FPS implantation for Nintendo games are fine, why do you think this game is a BOTW clone, lmfao. The best game on PS5 and Xbox is a botw clone, think about that. either way, enjoy your drops. It’ll be a smooth experience on series X, all thanks to Vrr.
  12. oh, I’m still hyping it and will enjoy the benefits of VRR.. something Cows can’t, while their frames fluctuate like a stock.
  13. Find a quote of me ever hyping up the Xbox’s power ill join in with you, TLHBO But TCHBO as well, both machines can’t even handle last gen games lmfao reasons why Nintendo stays winning, their games are programmed correctly
  14. I don’t give a shot about graphics generally and I did not hype up series X for years. I still prefer my switch to my series X, so yeah talking to the wrong guy. anywho, I’m interested to see the frame rates after the patch.. which released today. I’m sure we will get some updates on it also bragging that PS5 is close to 60 “when looking down” game is clearly poorly optimized, this should be 120 fps on both.
  15. The performance mode doesn’t drop below 40 fps .. but yes it does
  16. I have VRR, which makes drops invisible… LOL. and this is all pre day one patch
  17. It’s also pretty bad on PC, but these are pre day 1 patch reports. That’s why no reviewers discuss it
  18. From told all reviewers not to discuss performance until the day 1 patch, so there’s your answer
  19. Wtf lol. Anyway, we need the day 1 patch analysis
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