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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. DF said PS5 and Series X both have drops. But one supports VRR.. and one doesn’t. Whichever one does, is the winner. Are you claiming VRR makes no difference?
  2. I bought this game for $7 and am still not sure how I feel about it. It does have absolutely horrible aiming though. but PS5s version easily loses as it does not support VRR. It also runs at a lower resolution.
  3. OLEDs are impacted most apparently, which is funny Cows even want one when PS doesn’t take advantage of what it offers.
  4. Idk how you missed it either lol. Either way Bungie said they’ll continue to support all the platforms they currently support.
  5. I really hope it doesn’t flop, looking forward to it. side question: is it ever sunny in this world
  6. Today, I am especially pleased to reveal the stunning new design of our next generation VR headset, PlayStation VR2, together with an updated and final design image of our PlayStation VR2 Sense controller. You'll notice the PS VR 2 headset has a similar shape as the PS VR2 Sense controller, taking on a matching "orb" look. The circular orb shape represents the 360-degree view that players feel when they enter the virtual reality world, so this shape captures it nicely. The design of the PS VR2 headset was also inspired by the look of the PS5 family of products. When our design te
  7. Sorry, must have confused that with Reddit , YouTube and Twitter, where people are saying it like crazy. most of resetera just doesn’t want to play this game until it’s fixed, I can’t blame them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. PS5 doesn’t even support VRR, this game is likely worst on PS5 for that reason alone. Xbox unless I get my new PC ordered and set up by Friday.
  9. https://www.resetera.com/threads/horizon-forbidden-west-quality-or-performance-mode.554353/page-24#post-82494754 Lmao. “A few clowns”… Vincent even bashed it, GG has already said they’re working on fixing it.. but yeah, totally made up
  10. It’s reLly wild reading resetera and seeing people requesting refunds or shelving the game until it’s fixed. It’s like every other post in the OT over there
  11. I’m very concerned how these issues weren’t discussed by reviewers. Obviously the game has some major visual issues going on, to the point that GG has even released a statement. Something seems….. fishy.
  12. A desperate attempt to change the subject after admitting you need help playing the game. Lmfao!
  13. lmfao needing your big brother to help you get through games. What a pathetic post
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