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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. It’s still the best tablet on earth. Could be way better tho.
  2. The worst part is it COULD. It’s the strongest commercial tablet on earth. Apple is stubborn.
  3. I’m prob gettin an iPad soon for my kiddo. But I always feel like it’s on the verge of being better
  4. Ever take a pic of the moon with one?
  5. It’s more of an inside joke than anything. Aren’t iPads 20x more powerful than the galaxy tablets or something (which I actually like)?
  6. I hate my iPhone 15 pro max camera tbh. Always smudges. But it’s still better than alternatives. lol ever take a pic w a Samsung?
  7. It is, but still class leading. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. One has superior hardware the other is makeshift 3rd party parts no wonder one is always pushing the envolope while the other scrambles
  9. Why would they show off an area they have to explain why it looks “hackin and whackin” lol
  10. Actually looks much better than the last time it was showed. Never really fucked with their games tho.
  11. He just admitted MS had a good conference and he’ll be getting Xbox games
  12. Android still primarily relies on sms lmfao
  13. Curious https://www.ign.com/articles/wwdc-2024
  14. Seems like they plan on just milking cows until they realize it’s smarter to play on GP
  15. Why would I only play COD? and I haven’t replayed a game without MP in over a decade. Why would I want to own? Just to sell later?
  16. https://www.videogamer.com/features/finally-xbox-convinced-me-game-pass-must-have/
  17. Yeah I heard too. I’m interested but not sure what they’d reveal unless they have enhanced versions ready to go too for the Switch 2 reveal.
  18. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/features/opinion/the-xbox-showcase-brought-the-e3-magic/
  19. It’s hilarious watching them squirm “it’s smart!” ”this is good for PlayStation!” ”id do the same if I ran Sony!” ”it’s just a license!”
  20. Sony is just behind MS. They’re literally copying every move, just slowly.
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