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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. When you think of weather effects, SUNNY to CLOUDY isn’t something most people would think about. and no, forzas in game graphics are great. That’s why you won’t post comparison videos.
  2. Yes, you CHOOSE for it to rain. Lmao. You just proved my point, holy shit. “sunny to cloudy” LMFAO
  3. There’s a boat load of pop in lmao. Still looks better than GT7, though.
  4. There is no “real time” weather lmao. You choose the weather or it’s already picked for you. Not even every track allows for weather… or different times of the day.
  5. im Sorry … you’re basing your opinion on…. GIFs????
  6. Sure, Forza 7 that came out in 2017. No where near Horizon, though.
  7. Very much so. I have clue how cows think it looks gold
  8. And? It’s an effect. You can freely set it to be any time you want. Madden does this… LOL.
  9. Not a fan of turn based combat. Give us a full on BOTW Pokémon type game.
  10. Probably because it’s dynamic unlike GTs. Like I said though, it looks generations better.
  11. The game looks bad, like.. real bad. 360 era.
  12. Again, show me a video comparison where GT7 (or Sport) look better than Fh5. I’m waiting.
  13. That’s nice, taking photos in camera mode. The video speaks for itself, FH looks generations better than GT7. It’s not even close.
  14. last time I checked, snozamotorsport 7 has a higher MC than the last several gt games. they both suck, tho. Fh >>>>
  15. it’s really not even remotely close. GT7 looks generations behind.
  16. Forza 7 came out 5 years ago. Set the bar low, Cows!
  17. it looks much, much better. on top of that, no ray tracing for GT outside of replays. Who the fuck watches replays?
  18. Animal Crossings just because the highest selling Japanese game of all time.
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