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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Now he’s copying me. That’s where we are at, now. He still won’t answer what his favorite Bungie game is. Hmm.. I wonder why. *
  2. I mean, I can’t blame them. Maybe group messages and the countless other prehistoric and technological bridges will be crossed and ventures into the modern world for Google users will begin. https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2022/2/1/22912085/android-apple-ios-messages-emoji-reactions-sms
  3. Why would you know about a successful company .. aka, 3.6b, when Activision was bought for 70b? which leads me to my next point… what Bungie games do you like ?
  4. Can you point me to data that Xbox game software sales or interactivity has decreased after gamepass?
  5. i pointed out you are using aggressively large font, embarrassingly displaying your emotions for the forum to see. i didn’t even see who you were posting to nor about, chubs.
  6. No large font this time?
  7. No one is trying to help anyone. You need to calm down, not everyone is out to get you. this mother fucker must be going through some shit
  8. Sonys profits are down. You’re fuming, but I’m not sure why you’re so invested. It’s kinda….. weird. Carry on with the meltdown, though.
  9. ^wtf is with the large font. Are you really melting down that bad? @jehurey
  10. Let me know when GT: Hotizon comes out. It’s inevitable, then everyone can stop pretending to enjoying racing sims.
  11. Halo has never been great. I’ve been playing it because my boys have been obsessed, the more I play the worse it is. That being said, The others really, really sucked. They were generic, boring, and at times offensively bad. 343 really sucks, but I at least give Bungie credit for creating the IP. What this game lacks is maps and modes… and that’s really it. They dump 10 classic maps and this game is suddenly back in full volume, I bet. That may sound crazy, but I’d imagine they have 50+ maps easily to drop… without creating anything new. That being said, Destiny definit
  12. who asked for you to ask any questions? I simply stated profits are down. Do I know what a sell at a loss approach is? Yes. Now settle down, rocket boy
  13. No.. that seemingly has always been profitable. The $500 one has been profitable for the last 6 months. either way, it doesn’t matter. I didn’t ask for the why, simply stated that profits are down.
  14. I figured there had to be some sort of revenue-sharing agreement, because if Sony isn't getting incoming revenues from the money that Destiny is making, then why didn't Bungie leadership simply spin-out Destiny into a separate company to keep for themselves? 1.2 billion for 900 employees, assuming they even want to keep everyone? That’s over a million… per employee.
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