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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. And Sony is okay with it going to a direct competitor. just like they will soon be with EVERY SINGLE GAME they make they’re not only going to license their IP to whoever will use it, they’re gonna release their own games on other platforms… like they already are
  2. He’d brag about spending $100,000 on a $50,000 car lmfao SUX 2 B JOBLESS
  3. It would if those IPs were on direct competitors remember when you said FIFA has 100% control over the IP???? What happened here???
  4. Ok, well 90% of games people buy are worth about 8$ after 6 months. so no, physical outside of collectors items is a huge waste of space and money. couple that with the fact that I haven’t replayed a game in probably 20 years? Yeah hard pass. just curious, what are some of the ps5 games you have?
  5. So not only has Sony gone third party, their IPs have too?
  6. not when the games aren’t worth replaying more than once which no game is
  7. Imagine getting a $50,000 car for $250,000 and thinking you got a deal lmfao!!!!
  8. @FIREPOWER buys the DVD version of Netflix only movies/shows lmfao
  9. This makes you a complete retard you buy CDs and DVDs too????
  10. Of course I do buy games, when that’s the only choice. And they always end up sold for $8 or just thrown in a corner and never looked at again.
  11. I’ve spent less than 5 dollars a month for the last three years. that’s less than the cost of one game per year. lmfao. Wanna try again?
  12. only an idiot would think games are worth owning let me guess, you buy CDs and DVDs too getting absolutely ripped off and being happy about it, holy fuck oh Wait, you HAVE gamepass
  13. He’s gonna rebuttal by saying he only gets digital. Which is even dumber because it’s worth a total of $0 because you can’t resell lmfao
  14. This new cod actually does look like a big improvement. And of course… it’s free
  15. Bragging about getting ripped off there’s no point to owning games
  16. So wait, the new code is kinda open world? More interested now
  17. Cows pumped to pay $4,300 for these games
  18. I’m not sure how anyone can want to own a PS after these two shows. Lmfao.
  19. What does PS have in the next 5 years? Name a single game
  20. Not sure in the point of that gears trailer
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