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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. You spent all that time and yet no one will laugh… because it’s not true
  2. The cellphone. The plan. The Xbox. The Xbox gamepass. The tv. The house. it’s all.. in . My . Name
  3. No, my cell phone is in my name. You use GameFly. again, your arguement … falls apart.
  4. They’re all mine, and that’s where it all falls apart… for you
  5. BIG. BOLD. LETTERS. it’s his best offense, but also his weakest. he doesn’t know how, because he thought he got me. but does anyone? another victim of ghostz
  6. I don’t have to post anything, nor do you. I already know your GameFly history
  7. Wait, what do these two have it common? Wait… Either way, it’s left for interpretation. My Xbox account is valid, as it’s been, and what’s mine is mine. Ghostz again wins, as he always does. Now, with my permission, you’re now allowed to bitch…. again.
  8. ah okay, I mean, still 2/3:1 profit is solid in any situation. I’m guessing you didn’t buy it at launch ? What was the original price?
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