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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Who’s bragging? The AB purchase was in the OP. COD sucks, as does 99% of activision games. I do like the occasional COD SP, especially for free, but I’d never spend a dollar on COD otherwise. You know who DOES love COD? Cows. It’s the top selling PS game, year in and year out. It also brings Sony the most money for their gaming division annually.
  2. This is something I’ve wondered for a while. Is there a method to this? How does one predict if a game is worthy of being not only purchased, but possibly purchased multiple times, with the thought that you’d leave several sealed. some games are worth insane value, and it makes no sense. Uncharted 2’s whatever “premium” version for example is worth almost 2k! Probably purchasable for under $200 at the time. That’s a 10:1 mark up.. at least. Houses aren’t even close to this. Easy fucking flips! Imagine if you bought 100… or 1,000. here’s a list at “most valuable g
  3. not when I would have already had it with or without cod. It’s simply extra value.
  4. And you’re talking about it …. In this thread?!?!?! he can’t keep his shit straight.
  5. Sorry, you’ve admitted to Gameflying last year’s COD on PS5.
  6. That’s the best part, guess you’ll never know. what I know is my account, the one I’ve always had, is still active and open. Hell, I might go play a game… right now
  7. The COD campaigns are usually decent, so yeah, I’m excited to be able to play some of the single players. I wouldn’t spend $1 on them, but now, I don’t have to. Solid!
  8. And yet, my account, the only one I’ve had for years, is still open and active. Funny how that works.
  9. Can’t wait to see every COD on Gamepass. There have been plenty I’ve skipped out on.
  10. Perfect, back to MS owning the top PS franchise then. see how easy it is to get you to back down from claiming returnal is good?
  11. my account is still open and hasn’t been closed in multiple years now, sorry.
  12. So why did you bring up Returnal? guess you just admitted to trying to derail a thread im glad you did it, and I’m glad you’re now running from it.
  13. nope, my account is running fine on my Xbox.. as it always has.
  14. LMAO his pure anger is spilling into other threads
  15. This thread isn’t about Sony??? “Microsoft-Activion Deal Wipes $20 Billion Off Sony's Market Value in a Day. Shares fall 13%” ”not about Sony” he’s broken
  16. holy shit, he can’t even keep his threads straight. Wrong thread dipshit
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