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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Avowed looks better than I remembered
  2. So you buy it play it and never play it again and just wasted most of your money lmao I don’t go back and play games once I’m done with them unless there is multiplayer.
  3. You buy them for 70 and sell for $8 lmfao
  4. Yeah I was wondering if it’s like a stop start motion lmao
  5. This show absolutely obliterates Sonys wow
  6. It’s already better than the PS conference lmao
  7. Cows gonna get owned. Their only defense is “but we can pay $70 to play it too!”
  8. “you guys take this shit too serious!!1” *posts novel*
  9. No, you bragged about being “metro” lmfao. And a coworker? You are a freelance photographer
  10. What about when you were a self claimed metrosexual?
  11. And you remember it, from 20 years ago wouldn’t be surprised if you had it saved
  12. You say cringe shit with every single post you make lmfao. “Fuck boy” you prob post on bitches IG “SLAYYYYYY 💅🏽 “
  13. What grown man calls another man a fuck boy? Lmfao you’re such a fem
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