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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. $170 for PSVR and “2017s best racing game”. I bet most don’t even have the controllers. 4%
  2. so you could have got it even CHEAPER. Kohls was selling it for essentially $170 with “the best racing game of the year” you got a discount because Walmart wanted to give you something as you bought it from them, not kohls. I bet most PSVRs were sold at Kohls at this time, too. So basically, $270 in total… far from $400 and it came WITH A GAME. and yet, only 4% of people decided it was worth it. FLLLLLOOOOOPPPPP
  3. So you paid $285… years ago. Yeah, I doubt most people spent $400. Maybe a few “die hards” early on, but yeah… only 4% of PS owners decided it was worth it, even with the discounts. Big yikes.
  4. Yes, they’re all flops, outside of quest which still sucks. Quest in 12 months had sold 2x what PSVR sold.
  5. Other than the controller, what did you have to buy? looks like you paid, at most, was 285. And this was 3 years ago
  6. Pssssh, plenty of people got it for cheaper, like you. You didn’t even spend HALF of the $400 launch price.
  7. PS4 sales: 116 million PSVR sales: 5 million there are shovel ware titles that sold better.
  8. This is equally as accurate. Screaming “it’s the highest selling vr of its time!!!1” is irrelevant because it still sucks ass. Lol
  9. Who cares what MS is making, youre now saying Gamepass users aren’t paying anywhere near $15 a month, which is what we’ve been telling you for years.
  10. So you use GP’s price to try to own people, here you admit people are getting it for Much cheaper. which one do you think most people on this site fall under? because your whole “bu bu expensive” argument just went out the window
  11. The thread wasn’t about sales. It was talking about how it sucks ass, which has been proven by the fact you bought one but didn’t play it.
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