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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. He’s had to copy and paste the same response over and over because he truly doesn’t get it. he will soon, though go ahead and say it, Jerry. I think you know what’s coming
  2. Holy shit, now he’s talking about cell phones and he’s denying he used GameFly for his most played PS5 game … well, a quick forum search will prove that one wrong.
  3. Sorry, I don’t use GameFly like you do and I know it’s not active now, PS5 has no games to even rent
  4. Which ones? The ones where you demonstrated you never obtained a high school diploma or GED, and then admitted to buying an old tv right before the new (and superior) model released?
  5. I don’t keep up with entry level OLED monitor sizes and sales like you do you’re probably still paying it off
  6. remember when you swore your tv could do 4K 120fps because it had full bandwidth? it’s like you forgot that entire conversation existed. You’ll never be able to do it, not just because PS5 doesn’t support it, but your tv doesn’t either!
  7. He’s copying my gifs now, oh man he’s cornered. He says I can’t count, but won’t say how. and as soon as he does… well, we will find out.
  8. That not a limitation of my tv, retard Your PS5 doesn’t support DV at 480p
  9. And what does that full band with get you? you can’t even do DV at 4K 120fps
  10. Says the guy who bought a TV right before the new one comes out! because, you know, no reading comprehension
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