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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. You did, the second you refused to answer who “we” was. Since you’re referring to yourself, one person isn’t we. Unless of course, they are neither male nor female, like you. all of this to distract from the fact that…. ps5 is getting whooped.
  2. Nice try, I’ve been posting most of the morning. Also, again you’re back to make believe lmao. but god damn, that white switch Xbox and switch, both currently whoopping Sonys ass
  3. LMAO, Cows claiming Forbes and ign aren’t accurate and then naming some no-name “analyst” as the beacon of truth theyre fucking melting down. I love it!
  4. summary forthcoming: meus work good with m&k and controller DX11, no shader compilation waits, or compilation stutter as seen in DX12/Vulkan games no Field of View option, possibly due to a lot of off camera tricks nvidia reflex to reduce latency, avg 11ms less vs ps5 proper PS5 controller support faster loading, ~4s faster over PS5 possibly limited by ssd and framerate PS4P/PS5 (will call this PS5 from here on out) uses checkerboarding to achieve 4K constant camera sway and particles cause artifacts in checkerboarding high res
  5. I’m not celebrating anything other than Nintendo dominating as usual in both markets. But you do seem bitter than PS5 has been lagging behind the competition, recently. I wouldn’t be surprised if Quest 2 outsold PS5 in November/December too, LOL.
  6. Last time I checked, this thread was for the biggest two markets most recently reported months. PS5: Third place in December sales in UK PS5: Third place in November sales in USA Cute that you’re trying to change the subject, but that’s not gonna work here.
  7. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/xbox-series-x-s-sales-have-topped-1-million-in-the-uk-following-a-record-month/amp/ interested in US sales. Remember, Xbox and Switch outsold PS5 in November in US https://www.businessinsider.com/nintendo-and-xbox-outsell-ps5-in-critical-sales-month-2021-12?amp
  8. Looks alright. I’ll play if it comes to gamepass, otherwise prob not up my alley.
  9. The only thing Phil said was it’s the most indemand Xbox of all time. You said Phil said they’ve shipped 12 million this is like saying nintendos next console is their highest selling one ever, and assuming it’s .001 more than what switch sold at whatever time period. xbox could be at 20 million based on what Phil said, too. It could be at 1 billion He never said “we shipped 12 million”, like you claimed.
  10. the sales are irrelevant. The fact is, phil never said it. “That means” is not a quote. he’s also saying “at least 12 million”, but again, irrelevant, because all Phil said was it’s the most Indemand Xbox over.
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