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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. It doesn’t make Sony any less scummy sorry, you lost the second you defended scumbags LMAO.
  2. it just shows my confidence that a fps could never capture what it takes two does. It takes two is multiple genres, and includes the best from all of them
  3. I can show they announced it before Sony announced theirs, and that alone is good enough for me. scumbag Sony
  4. No, because all I’ve been saying is Sony is scummy for this, as others had the idea before them. And you basically just admitted that. thanks for playing
  5. You showed me the filed a patent months after other companies starting taking preorders.
  6. Lmao the fact that BF is with those games says a lot.
  7. Multiple companies were already making them Before the patent was even filed sony scum, and you defending them..
  8. Here’s Sony making others cancel, despite again.. NO PATENT.. what scum https://www.engadget.com/platestation-panels-discontinued-202340595.html
  9. https://www.resetera.com/threads/dbrand-has-ps5-and-dualsense-skins-up-for-pre-order.225676/ dbrand accepted preorders in June 2020. Months before Sonys lil patent request
  10. No announcement + no registered patent means it’s free game. This again, is why dbrand is continuing to sell them. And they look much better than Sony’s, too
  11. No, he provided links to the euro gamer and leaked info. Not a single Sony announcement.
  12. Not from anything Sony said. im waiting for the official Sony announcement. fact is: Sony had 0 patents when DBrand revealed their designs. Zero. They had absolutely nothing. that’s why Dbrand is continuing to sell them.
  13. So, just like I thought, you had nooooo link to Sony discussing it before hand. Double ownage: dbrand said they made them because the PS5 design was SO bad
  14. Show me a link of Sony talking about it before the 3rd party solutions came out.
  15. Based on the fact it took Sony over a year to release them, the patent was just made public, and they’re in basic ass colors… yes
  16. I remember this. Wow does it look bad now. Lol it wasn’t even in the game
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