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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. You lost the second you said you don’t want to challenge the iPhone being the best.
  2. Drunk at the bar but acknowledging receipt. Unlike Jerry you actually speak good points tho- will respond tmr
  3. They’ve given up 80 points in the last two weeks, not many QBs are gonna solve that. But I agree the offense is college tier tbh
  4. Like how Google messages is inferior to iMessage and how iPhone is the best and I was right on both
  5. Dude just named 6+ messaging apps like it’s a good thing. thanks for proving my point. fragmentation
  6. Hard to do when you have the world’s best. When it’s so good, even Jerry agrees
  7. you can either say you challenge the notion that the iPhone is the best, or you can say nothing at all about it, which means you agree it is indeed, the god damn best. you decide
  8. wait, is he saying he isn’t challenging the fact that the iPhone is the best phone? well well well. glad we got that cleared up now- what arguments do you want to get destroyed in for the second time?
  9. You mean the one where I said iPhone is best? I have him editing my quotes, he’s trying ANYTHING now.. but it all comes back to Apple dominating Samsung in every aspect. Lmfao.
  10. They have to have an entirely separate article for android because iPhones would take the top 5 spots https://www.cnet.com/google-amp/news/best-android-phones/ That fucking hurts
  11. I was only proven right, that’s why your review source says iphone 13 is a better phone than anything Samsung has ever made.
  12. How do I get into the app lab without knowing the specific apps name?
  13. So you don’t think there’s a button to send images on iMessage too? go ahead, say it.
  14. You’re gonna have to take it up with CNET, they said the iPhone is the best phone.
  15. You don’t think you can send pictures through iMessage?
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