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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I can find a lot of posts in 2021 saying the same thing about you yet you’re the only one saying I don’t own consoles in 2021
  2. Well there goes that arguement. Funny how fast they run when they realize they have nothing offers forever on the table, sweeties. It’s already uploaded to imgur
  3. That’s the best part. It doesn’t matter WHEN. Jerry’s claim was that I don’t own a switch or any console and he said you said that, too. using you like the pawn you are, I set you up into owning Jerry by confirming that I do own them. Played you both like fools
  4. The comments on goodell are spot on tbh
  5. No one agrees with you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I have you shouting at the mirror in hopes to find someone to go along with your make believe claims. its a home run for ghostz now go play returnal, bitch
  6. It’s funny hearing ESPN talk about how the raiders are gonna handle something cruden did when he was actually employed by ESPN
  7. Jerry said you said I don’t own any consoles. I just proved that you acknowledge that I do. and when it comes to you, you don’t even have proof I was ever asked before that (I wasn’t). Until you do that, consider yourself just as demolished as your butt buddy Jerry. That must suck to be associated with him.
  8. Go find a post where I was requested to provide proof prior to then. Thats why you said “like your wii/wii u bets” and not “like your other switch bets” go ahead and find it, I’ll wait.
  9. Damn anyone paying attention to this? Shits crazy. Deserves its own thread outside of the NFL thread
  10. Show me where anyone was talking about launch retard. That thread isn’t even about Tetris 99 are you drunk?
  11. here’s the thread, we aren’t talking anything about launch, lmfao. but I do see more gamertag begging all Jerry has to do is beat returnal, but it must suck ass LOL
  12. Well no shit I’ve had one from launch. ITT I said I proved to you I owned it years ago… that post is almost 3 years old
  13. The switch version is better than the x1 and PS4 versions.
  14. Not a single person mentioned launch you idiot. but I did have it at launch, of course. either way, we’re back to zero people believing you
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