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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Nothing can be worse than Sonys, tbh though I don’t expect much from Nintendo unless we get a switch 2 reveal
  2. Does music exist out of the top 10 most popular genres? the answer is hardly, and they surely aren’t growing tell me 10 music genres to begin with
  3. https://www.pushsquare.com/features/reaction-ps5-livestreams-are-no-longer-speaking-to-the-fans-who-built-the-brand
  4. I said without white people rap music isn’t a popular genre you said being a popular genre isn’t a good thing rap not being popular means less people listening to rap, less people rapping paragraph after paragraph only to digger yourself deeper, yikes
  5. Sales enabled the industry to grow you tard. without it, rap is basically jazz in 2024.
  6. right there all this because white people are the reason rap is a popular genre in the world
  7. So dumb lol I have zero interest in buying new hardware to play old games
  8. Remember when you said rap would be better if no one rapped and no one listened to rap ?
  9. Whole new generation of Stans eminem has 5 out of the top 9 top selling rap albums lmao
  10. Y’all are pissing me off not watching dark matter
  11. This thing is doing insane numbers for a washed up rapper no one listens to #1 global Apple Music #2 global Spotify #1 in several countries, looking like #3 on billboard It’s going UP in streams per day since Friday. Wild
  12. Yea I’m lost. Prob won’t be visiting this thread any more lmfao
  13. I got it for free and still returned it lol
  14. are we talking about the same thing? Boxers and briefs are both underwear. You wear two pairs of underwear?
  15. I posted it because I knew you’d respond, just like how you’re responding. LOL. The easiest way to get me to never post some shit like this again is to either not respond or agree that it was dumb, lol.
  16. Botws budget was apparently around 120 million. They only needed to sell two million copies to break even of course, now it’s over 30 million. Generated almost 2 billion alone.
  17. I honestly do not know how anyone who bought one could ever support sony again lmfao
  18. No, nothing I do is racist. I don’t hold people back because of their skin color. I notice it, just like I notice someone with red hair vs someone bald. Means about just as much, too. meanwhile you will complain about whites every chance you get. Lol notice how you didn’t actually respond, because you don’t have a response. You think the OP is just fine and isn’t an issue…. Unless of course, it was white people.
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