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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. No, I used what you gave me. Now you're doing the same. Backed into a corner All while wasting time.....
  2. Jerry sounds like @Goukosan and the fools when he claimed I didn't own a Swtich. How'd that go?
  3. He was super hurt when I posted the TV achievement showing off that CX
  4. Public information. My gamertag isn't.
  5. You volunteered your profile. Not my fault, moron.
  6. Sorry, that wasn't the original request. Also, I will never post my gamertag, so forget it. A much simpler request that times up was that you posting your PS5. You don't have one. Even if you beat R&C, it's obvious you were playing on your nephews. It's likely it's on his little desk too, which you're too embarrassed to post.....but he won't let you take it out of his room.
  7. GTA needs a smaller map and fully interactive environments. I'm not talking BattleField destruction but most if not all indoor areas should be accessible. This opens the door for some type of robbery mechanism, kidnapping, having standoffs etc. Obviously not the main selling point of the game but would be a new an interesting addition IMO.
  8. He's been destroyed 135 times ITT
  9. He claimed it was my grandma's account, then my girl's brothers, and then finally my girls father. He's backed into a corner. All while having less than two days to complete Ratchet
  10. Let's recap, shall we? Jerry was once again exposed, for the fraud he is. He has one PS Trophy since January, and it's for dying for the first time in Returnal. When called out on this, he asked me to list mine from this year. Scroll down to read more. Easily, I sent a few screenshots of my achievements of recently played games: This made @jehurey ABSOLUTELY lose his mind. Check out some of the responses provided (classic meltdown mode): So I posted clear proof Keep going through, he's gonna get really salty.
  11. I can do whatever I want, considering I provided exactly what you asked for. A list with dates of completion. why do you think you’re running from a ban bet???
  12. I’ll be gaming and you’ll just be talking about it, either way. And you’ve admitted that these last few days
  13. Sorry sweetie, you either accept it or you don’t. And when you don’t, you’ve forever admitted you don’t play games other than when I force you to.
  14. I’m not remij and I make the rules. Let’s present the evidence in front of the mods and make a perm ban bet. @-GD-X or a forced sig bet, forever. @Twinblade will these rules be enforced?
  15. I never said I would post my profile, in the last 15 years on here. you said list the trophies. I did. you said show when they were completed. I did. now, let’s see that PS5
  16. I’ve won, by miles. You’ve claimed I live with my grandma, then my girlfriend, then my girlfriends father, then you claimed I live with my family. that’s where YOURE at. all while not having a PS5
  17. I have paladins on both my switch and Xbox. what a game just one of the MANY, MANY I’ve played this year. Can’t say the same for you… unless we talkin xCloud 1 hour 55 minutes
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