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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I can see outside of dying in returnal, you haven’t touched your PS5 since January
  2. When’s your shift over burger boy? You have a PS5 to post
  3. he’s a self hating lemming holy fuck we KNOW you don’t play PS5
  4. Yeah I've played a lot of it over the years, most of the achievements left now are for being a medic and shit I never play as Doesn't mean I don't still play it often. Let's take a look at this: But um, that doesn't seem right considering... vs No PS5, no trophies..oh man it's be a rough week for him
  5. It’s my profile, look at you crying about it too it’s a shame those tears can’t put out this blazing inferno
  6. This was in 2018. Game owns, fool
  7. Then you have 15 minutes from when your shift at McDonald’s is over I work from home, like most of corporate America
  8. So now you’re claiming to have TWO PS5’s??? let’s see em, Jerry. only a few mins left
  9. What the fuck is nautilus?
  10. No, I said a receipt. times ticking until we know you don’t have a PS5
  11. Have I ever offered to post my online names? Nope. Don’t want you losers e stalking me.
  12. Sorry, no proof that’s YOUR inbox. now let’s see a pic of the PS5 15 mins or you have proved you no longer own it
  13. Do they still have it Tho? I think most are back ordered now. But damn dude that blows, I would be livid
  14. @-GD-X @Carlos Vela either of you use MagSafe? Last year I had a non supported case but this year I have one that’s supported. Haven’t bought anything for it yet, maybe a car mount?
  15. He has to first prove he owns a PS5 now, he basically admitted his Nephew is the true owner
  16. If he doesn’t post a PS5 receipt in under 20 minutes, he doesn’t own one. @Remij @JonbX
  17. he’s going from grandma, to girls father, etc all while exposing himself for his nephew owning a his PS5 this basically confirmed it
  18. You don’t make the rules, bitch boy. I do, that’s why you’re being forced to play a game when you didn’t want to play it. You have played 3 games on your PS5 this year. And there’s no way you can spin it. Youve played more Xbox games streamed to your phone since February than PS games. @-GD-X he’s demanding personal information here. Is what I provided enough proof?
  19. well on that note, how do we know your Spider-Man ones weren’t your nephews?
  20. Nope you’re not getting my personal info.
  21. I played it with my girl.. as I’ve said multiple times. how is madden a demo???? you’ve played 1 game on ps since JANUARY you played a game for 60 hours, when it takes 33 to 100%… and you’re talking about not knowing how to play games https://howlongtobeat.com/game?id=44852 I dont play for achievements, they just come when you actually PLAY a game. But you don’t do that 1 game in 9 months
  22. I played it with my girl. I have the achievement that says I beat the game ive told you, I play madden with my friends exclusively. Don’t play against the computer or random. You haven’t played Spider-Man since January and you died in returnal, didn’t even beat the tutorial stage not a single other game this year. LMAO
  23. just a few of the games I’ve played on Xbox this year, too. Way more than you’ve played your PS5 times are inaccurate tho here’s the games that have touched your PS5 this year
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