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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. It also has crazy pop in, flickering shadows, etc. it looks like a Xbox one game tbh, and the comparison videos show it too. Just higher res on Xsx and pc
  2. Pretty underwhelming graphically, is this on a series X?
  3. My controllers disconnect like Jerry and women bro. It’s a known issue. Google it. It makes no sense, they’re fully charged and the system just spazzes. Annoying asf. Be thankful you don’t experience it
  4. It’s a desperate attempt, but that’s not gonna work here… sweetie. We are simply waiting for DEM TROPHIES. let the mods decide, cunt.
  5. All you see in the media is praise, but who’s talking about this? Here I’m sitting playing some 5v5 chell with the boys (while also owning Jerry during periods) and my controller is spazzing the fuck out. Not one, but two of these cunts. What gives? It’s embarrassing in Microsoft’s part. Shit just turns off and won’t connect, repeatedly but not consistently. It goes away.. then it comes right the fuck back just like the Jeffrey.
  6. I was making fun of fat people. Which you are, slob. You just happen to be latino. I know that, so I found someone who fit your description. Not racist, but accurate. @-GD-X carry this cunt away. No one wants to be talking race issues.
  7. Just browsed through .. ugh @Twinblade @-GD-X can you clean up the obvious race baiting from Jerry? If I didn’t know better, I’d think he had a job at cnn.
  8. Damn I was away for 30 mins. Don’t have time to catch up, I already know @jehurey got fucked up. anywho,…
  9. Don’t worry @jehurey all do our inboxes look like this, too. We just clear out notifications. I can’t imagine what your phone looks like
  10. @-GD-X give this man a warning for race baiting, maybe even take away a day on the deadline. We don’t play this shit
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