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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Apples charging cable is more versatile than traditional. Apple lowered cpu usage so battery life would be extended. This is far from bricking, and extended the life cycle of those phones. Samsung got sued for the same thing. iphones are far from impossible to repair, nor have I had a singular issue with one breaking over the course of a decade. what phone do you have? Because I’ll list the anti consumer practices your manufacturer does, including dropping all support after 2 years.
  2. Except Apple supports it’s products far longer than any other manufacturer. How weird this feature, although just announced for iOS15, is supported all the way back to iPhone 7. That’s a 6 year old phone.
  3. Maybe? I’m not sure. If so I’d be on board for this being brought to all gaming headsets
  4. I fine tuned the settings, it looks pretty good now on my oled
  5. Don’t worry @Goukosan, samdung is quick at copying as usual! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/12/21/22193235/samsung-galaxy-buds-pro-3d-spatial-audio-leak reviews on their implementation, as predicted, state it’s awful compared to apples. Who woulda guessed it LOL
  6. This is HDR for music, no other way to describe it
  7. Ok so this is super cool. The sound IS tethered to your phone.. unless you’re somehow away from it.. then it rebalances to just where you are sitting. This is insane stuff y’all.
  8. They are both bro. It’s head tracking with atmos
  9. This will make no sense, but it feels like you can move through music.
  10. Dope, def interested to see your opinion and honestly I just want to see if there are other places I can have this effect
  11. https://www.newsweek.com/apple-music-spatial-audio-future-music-finally-1599177 the industry agrees @-GD-X thoughts on this?
  12. To explain more, basically the AirPods have a gyroscope in them to determine which way they’re facing. Then you have the device for whatever content is playing, which also has a gyroscope. It can sense where both devices are and displays music/audio accordingly. ie if I turn my head left, my right ears volume increases as it would in real life. Crazy shit!
  13. My AirPods arrived a day early and I tried the New headtracking feature for music (Shows have existed for a while now) and it’s fucking amazing! Anyone with AirPods Pro’s is in for a massive treat with ios15. Almost feels like you’re there live do any other products have this feature? Non Apple is fine. I want this for gaming!!!
  14. And yet, you still do or are all of those things
  15. You are in your 40s and single and post all weekend long every weekend lmfao
  16. 90% of my posts are through the workday ownage denied, again
  17. What’s limited? The OS does everything I ask for essentially. all of my products are class leaders (or were at the time of release)
  18. Someone did, I don’t remember nor care to lol. 8 posts a day isn’t enough to claim ownage either way
  19. https://kotaku.com/xbox-one-will-soon-be-able-to-stream-next-gen-games-1847112884 Xbox One Will Soon Be Able To Stream Next-Gen Games Can't get your hands on an Xbox Series X? Soon, you'll have options Lulz, Flight Sim being the first.. did MS just create “forward compatibility” “We’re excited to see developers realize their visions in ways that only next-gen hardware will allow them to do,” wrote Will Tuttle, editor in chief of Microsoft’s Xbox Wire. “For the millions of people who play on Xbox One consoles today, we are looking forward to sharing more about how
  20. GD edited my post count like 10 years ago, but even if he didn’t.. an average of 8 posts per day isn’t a high amount how many posts did you have on hide scrollers?
  21. It sure does make my life better, tf you on. Being able to control any of these devices from anywhere is extremely convenient when I take a picture of my phone, I can instantly bring it up on any device. If I’m typing a document on my iPad, I can continue on my laptop. If I’m browsing a website on my watch, with one button click I can view that website on my computer when I plug in my headphones, I can watch a video on my phone. Press play on my computer and the audio instantly transfers. I can then press play on my Apple TV and again the audio seamlessly tr
  22. They are all integrated and work seamlessly with each other. I can use my headphones while in Chicago to connect to my Apple TV in Pittsburgh if I wanted. All instant without really much of any set up required. products lines can be great. Too bad RIM never made it to that level
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