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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I was just logging on after just playing some to see if anyone’s posted yet. we’re on a chapter past you, it really is amazing. Best game I’ve played in a minute
  2. I can’t be the only one playing, right? This game is GOTY, Nintendo like quality. In fact it may be one of my favorite games of all time already
  3. 120fps is extremely noticeable once you’ve played a game at it. It makes 60FPS look like shit. but, if a game is never played in 120fps, 60FPS is fine. Hell, 30 is passable if you’ve never played it with higher. The second you do it sucks going back. Playing rocket league at 60FPS now feels like a slideshow 120fps > 4K
  4. Jerry is deflecting, but Mal and you are completely correct. Sony had no ideas how to get this to work and it shows.
  5. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/it-takes-two-review/1900-6417655/ 9.0!
  6. Bro I just made this same thread and you even commented in it
  7. Yeah, it seems to have gotten a price increase with the recent update but wait a month & it’ll be back to $10
  8. It’s not really fun but graphically it’s great. Worth about $10 which it’s on sale for. Would benefit greatly from being on gamepass as it’s a gaas
  9. Cows r bleeding from their anus after that one for sure
  10. Not particularly, a grind fest that’s fairly limited
  11. Holy fuck reviews are out calling it one of the most fun games of all fucking time lmao https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-5/it-takes-two?ref=hp
  12. Both Series X and PS5 Quality Mode target 4K/30fps. Series X appears to hold at 4K slightly more consistently Series S Quality Mode targets dynamic 1440p/30fps. Usually sticks to 1440p; went as low as 1368p Series S does not use the higher resolution textures and improve anisotropic filtering that Series X / PS5 have in Quality Mode In Performance Mode, PS5 targets 4K Checkboarded, with frequent drops of 1800p Checkboard or lower. Resolution drops/fuzziness are obvious in more intense scenes. Checkerboard resolution also effects HUD so text looks less crips in Performance Mod
  13. Adding support for additional drives will be enabled with a firmware update that also unlocks higher cooling-fan speeds to ensure the console doesn’t overheat, the people said, asking not to be named because the plans are not yet public
  14. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-26/sony-to-open-playstation-5-for-storage-upgrades-in-summer what a POS design
  15. Pretty excited to play this game with my girl. Comes out Friday. I hear the creator is a nut job but I’ve never played his previous games like a way out and that brothers game. Anyone have experience with this dev and/or hyped for this game? Review embargo ends at 10pm est today
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