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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. That has charm and ageless graphics. Super Mario Galaxy will always look good. im playing this game on an OLED, with a series x, it just doesn’t look that good. It’s blurry asf, no interaction with the environment from what I saw, and a shit ton of clipping. This is after about 20 mins of playing so maybe I gets better, but I will never know
  2. This game is pretty bad and has last gen graphics
  3. The new note was a pretty big flop. Awful camera, lack luster performance. Oh and it sold like 6 units, confirming there will be no support for it. hell, even Jerry is ditching it 4 months after launch.
  4. People that text message, use Snapchat, Instagram, or generally any other app should probably not get a galaxy. Don’t ask me though, ask the 2 million people that bought last years edition (not even top ten selling phones..... from Samsung)
  5. Still three more weeks until delivery 😕
  6. I did not, I had it back around Halloween but never really produced any symptoms other than feeling like I smoked a few too many cigs last night
  7. Overweight virgin lmfao. I’d snap you in half and your little lady knuckles would break upon impact with my abs 😎
  8. Who’s had it? Recent studies indicate we have 5 months of immunity. Heading to Florida next week still rocking the goods.
  9. Imagine being 21 and never playing the original because you were too young also I’m over 6 ft and will easily prove it if you accept a ban bet
  10. I’d pay $120 for it game is unfloppable, reviews don’t matter either
  11. I hope I get burn in when next years model drops they come and pick it up while installing the new tv. I sit back and hit my vape pen and relax
  12. Best Buy warranty covers burn in. My shit is cranked to vivid with full brightness at all times
  13. Just let it die and make a new game at this point
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