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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Right and you end up paying thousands for a worse view than you could have got for free
  2. I don’t go to movies for the company lol wtf. Otherwise yeah I agree.
  3. Even boxing/mma, you can’t see shit at the events lol end up screen watching anyway
  4. I can’t actually watch the event when I’m there. Hate having a shittier view than tv provides. Don’t get the narratives from the play by play. of course going with friends and getting shit tanked is always a good time tho.
  5. It could be 1,000,000 and my girl still wouldn’t touch you
  6. All of those games exceed Sony 1P since September
  7. Your line doesn’t really make sense sweet chin music… aux… lol
  8. Playing this on the oled, phew it looks good. Can’t wait til all games look like this and are open world. Prob a gen or two away.
  9. it’s sweet chin music and I won’t pass the aux lmfao
  10. You’ve played more of it than Remij and i combined
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