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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. You only get one but because you didn’t know you can change your vote ps5 (digital or with disc slot) vs switch vs Xbox series x/s
  2. This may seem normal to us here, but over at leading liberal websites like ResetEra, it’s a big topic. The majority actually DISAGREE with the statement, saying he’s condemning protestors. What do you think? crazy to me that a poll with 1000+ answers, the majority DISAGREE that looting is bad. Pretty insane to think where the liberal mind is at this point.
  3. I don’t do it now, never did, and never will. Other people have no control over my ability to earn a living
  4. That book was released... this year. here, another article by time, this year saying the looters of today are no different than the Boston tea party looters, justifying it along the way. https://time.com/5851111/protests-looting/ I’m actually starting to wonder why you won’t condemn it, seems a bit odd. So I until you do, safe to say you’re for looting too.
  5. Here’s a whole book defending it. the author is white. https://www.amazon.com/Defense-Looting-Riotous-History-Uncivil/dp/1645036693
  6. RDNA seemingly will be updated every 1-2 years it seems so does it really matter? RDNA4 will be out before we know it and XSX and PS5 will be left in the dust with PC hand me downs for yet another gen.
  7. They might as well scrap the game and allow bethesda or someone to take a shot at it. Halo infinite, delayed infinitely.
  8. Nothing at all really. I feel completely fine. A little tired but this is my busy season so I’m working often so I think it’s just that.
  9. No positive reports at my gym, regardless everyone is fully masked at all times and I wipe down equipment before and after use anyway (as I did pre covid). if that’s how I got it, I mean whatever, but everything is spaced out, masks and temp checks are required. I’m assuming she got it and I got it off her. She doesn’t really do anything publically but is around her family a lot.
  10. What area are you in? I wasn’t in public either really and certainly go with all the guidelines. Here in Pittsburgh it’s been a steady 100-200 cases a day basically since March. Not huge numbers but consistent. Also assuming I’ll remain symptom free but we’ll see!
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