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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Nope not at all. Our bars and stuff close at 10-11 and require food with a drink. That’s not so bad, but you can’t even get up and move around.. aka the bar is pointless. Only public place I go is my gym which requires a temp check and masks at all time. Not really sure how we ended up with it. Occasionally have a few friends over but we don’t know anyone else who has it.. at least not right now.
  2. Sorry, no politics on the main board. Gonna have to lock this one up, @Twinblade I also had no idea they were still making these trash games
  3. Girl has it and is showing symptoms, got a positive on Saturday. I took a test on Monday and got the results today. No symptoms bc I’m a god, and luckily I have weights at home now, but two weeks of sitting at home... 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼 who else got the covid?
  4. Ain’t this a quality spin. I’m sure they’re referring to sales on the PS store only or some shit. Will be funny when switch outsells it regardless
  5. Good idea. Might need to shell out a few and get a larger storage space, but if you want to protect your $500 investment, good idea.
  6. Truly curious what people like Remy and Jerry will do. I won’t be buying a ps5 until the slim (4th rendition) releases
  7. Just curious. PS5 is one ugly, but large sucker. I’d imagine most of you won’t really even have the room to accommodate it, have you looked into new housing options? Recent unboxing video, yikes. Why is the PS5 so wobbly? It looks much worse horizontally, but requires a whole new tv stand to place vertically. What was Sony thinkin? https://www.cnet.com/videos/ps5-unboxed-what-it-looks-like-next-to-xbox-series-x/
  8. No - it goes back to not being an idiot. Why invest in things that only decrease in value? LOL. You avoid the question like lemmings avoid exclusives.
  9. Just like phones, there is 0 reason to invest in things that lose money. You’re an idiot.
  10. PS controller is and always will be hot trash. Having parallel analog sticks in 2020
  11. https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2020/10/22/custom-ps5-faceplates-outer-shell-blue-matte-black-chrome-red-platestation5/ you know a console is fugly when a company wants to sell you ways to make it look better. This doesn’t appear to be linked to Sony, which makes it even more apparent fans have not liked the design of ps5
  12. A Xbox streaming stick gamepass platinum: on iOS (tho you can already stream Xbox games to iOS, I’m not sure if what xCloud does differently?)
  13. One things true (you paying for porn) and the other is a complete lie because you have nothing else to say. how many only fans are you subbed to again? You fucking loser
  14. Non topic. Try harder next time, dems. Lock it up, mods. This was is over.
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