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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Bow down to your Apple overlords, cows https://9to5mac.com/2020/10/20/apple-ar-headset-sony/ the real news here is Samsung got the shaft
  2. I don’t drink any koolaid, the president has no impact on my ability to make money lmfao
  3. I will before I’m 50.. but not under this plan. Ill Happily remain at 399,999 at that point lmfao.
  4. Close the main forum, this is a political forum now politicalpartywars.com ^unregistered website woulda made millions over the last year
  5. damn, a global superstar like 50 cent just swayed millions of black votes to DJT.
  6. I take breaks and it always feels the exact same Idk. I can smoke two three hits and be just as stoned as 20+ Non stop blunts. Obv the latter would be a complete waste. I usually smoke very high thc products tho, 60-95% generally or 20-28% flower
  7. Weed tolerance is mental imo. I took a 5-6 month break earlier this year and smoked for the first time and still had the tolerance lol. I think it’s just you know what to expect but yeah still dropping 300$ at the dispensary a month unless I try to conserve
  8. No we are pretty open and can fuck others if we want. I’ve just lost interest right now I guess.. haven’t been on the hunt for a while. as with anything. Pros and cons.. life is more boring but I don’t necessarily want the excitement fucking all the women was worth it. Lol. The girl I’ve been with we’ve been off and on for 15 years so.. just familiarity I suppose
  9. More women to count over the years, tho I’m basically settled down at this point
  10. I’ll take the ban, as said fellas. It was worth it lmfao. Wasnt your username literally chimp at some point? I feel @kokujin can chime in here regardless, 5/5 post. I stand by it.
  11. Yeah okay that about whay I have. But you switched from sprint to T-Mobile, right? together again... lolz
  12. Highly paid jobs are competitive and skilled. Warehouse jobs aren’t. They’re unskilled. What you should take from the warehouse job is things they do good, and things they do bad. If you want to stay in warehouse, find a new gig, apply your old knowledge at a new company, show them how to be more efficient. Soon you will be working in the office of that warehouse, and so on and so forth. warehouse jobs aren’t meant to be full time, long term jobs. You should be using that time at the bottom to advance in the future
  13. I’m not racist, Google is LMFAO LMFAO. I’ll take the ban @-GD-X, but this is literally the first result if you type in “photographer wannabe” on Google
  14. Wow, TCHBO Sony desperately copying Nintendo, again.
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