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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. If I agreed, so did you. @-GD-X please review and let me know how it plays out. Also please update the title as it’s been fun.
  2. I’m fine with one at a time, if you agree to honor this after the first ban plays out. (Which will be you, anyway). Meaning we accept the perm ban bet now, with an effective date of 3 months from today. Do you agree?
  3. I will gladly accept a 3 month ban bet, if you accept the perm ban bet. do we have a deal?
  4. So let’s have it, @jehurey a TAX RETURN showdown PERM BAN BET Do you agree?
  5. *jerry furiously making memes to avoid discussing the subject* he’s scared, now. LOL
  6. Jerry you live in a crack den filled with children’s toys, lmfao. We all saw your house, remember? You’ve admitted to making only 50k want to compare tax returns? whoever made less gets perm banned @-GD-X book it!
  7. My plan is better than any plan sprint offers. Lmfao. my uncle no longer works or has sprint. I’m paying less for phones. 0/3 LMFAO 🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  8. So .. a non response? Do you think good credit = employee only plan?
  9. Jerry tried to own me by saying I have to pay taxes, I proved him wrong, now he tried to own me because my credit doesn’t “qualify” (lmfao, wanna compare and have a ban bet?) for an employee only plan.. when I’m not a sprint employee its too fucking easy to own you inbreds
  10. No... the plan was offered to employees you moron You think I work at fucking sprint?
  11. These idiots talking about owning a phone when you have a monthly subscription to keep the thing working off WiFi. Lmfao. Yeah, super important. False sense of worth losers, y’all down even own property... THE FUCK not if you’re all about owning? this fgt @Mr. Impossible has been renting an apartment for 20+ years
  12. I also get prime, Hulu, and a plethora of other benefits... FOR FREE. oh, and now T-Mobile Tuesday’s.
  13. Look it up bitches, I’m on the SERO plan. Though, I think it’s renamed to something else now. Either way, Elite
  14. It’s an unlimited plan no longer offered, tf would I switch for? He doesn’t even work there anymore, they upgraded me to my own line and kept the discount
  15. my uncle hasn’t worked for sprint in a near decade, they’ve just kept me on it
  16. No, I pay nothing. Lol. I’m on a sprint employee plan (my uncle worked for sprint)
  17. No one was talking to you, Mr. Irrelevant. (And apparent hoarder for.... reasons)
  18. That is what’s up. I wonder how much they’d give me for my iPhone 11 Pro Max. If she’s getting 800 for that, I should get 1100 for this lmao. what’s a monthly unlimited plan cost?
  19. Why does it matter is the 480 is going to something if I would be paying 480 (roughly) to buy a new phone after selling my old one? IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE also, what makes you think I don’t use my phone as I see fit? Lmao.
  20. I’m not overpaying. You literally just said I’d get my new phone for 400-500, which is what I’m getting it for now lmao. Also, I didn’t say “as new”. I said as good as the new ones. ghetto exploitation? That seems... racist. @-GD-X but you’re right, haven’t owned, but always had the latest phone in hand.
  21. If y’all didn’t sell your phones the moment you get a new one you’d have a point, but you do.
  22. I am never renting to own because I don’t plan on owning, idiot. I buy houses and land. Shit that depreciates the moment you buy it.. investing into that.. LMFAO you’re the clown.
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