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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Well, it’s clear jerry can’t do it. @Goukosan how about you? Name a reason to buy a phone vs leasing if upgrading annually
  2. I’m waiting. one single reason why owning > leasing if upgrading yearly just ONE
  3. Yawn. You’ve yet to name a reason to own a phone. im waiting.
  4. No, you simply said androids are useful. thays fine, are you saying the newest android isn’t as useful; and more so than the last?
  5. It has nothing to do with being rich or poor. Name a better way to get a new phone yearly, idiot. I don’t have to find someone to buy it, get it for 480 a year. If I bought and sold, it would be nearly the exact same price. Now I just don’t have to worry about selling.
  6. No, you said why no one would want to own an iPhone. I asked why anyone would want to own any phone. you’ve yet to answer.
  7. No - I asked you why I should own a phone. Android or iOS. You’ve yet to answer. also @-GD-Xplease remove the political statement jerry is trying to now change the subject to because he can’t give me a reason to own a phone.
  8. All phones are worthless when a new edition comes out. now, why would I want to own one? Last chance.
  9. Wow, now we have planned spamming and thread destruction? @-GD-X well, I guess if he accepts my ban bet he won’t be here for the next decade
  10. Still haven’t been answered. Why would I want to own a cell phone when I upgrade yearly? when Jerry answers that, I will agree to a ban bet But since we are on ban bets, my ban bet is he can’t give me a single worthy answer. 10 year ban bet on that @jehurey @-GD-X
  11. Jerry, gouk, and gd all got raped. Jerry paid $1300, it’s factually confirmed.
  12. Why? The ban bet was that it would be fully released within one month of iOS release. It’s STILL in beta on Android, LMFAO.
  13. It’s actually incredible, in a market where Samsung can’t sell a few thousand premium devices, Apple thrives. I bet the entire 12 line up charts (4 out of 5) with the last being the iPhone 11 this holiday samsung continues to thrive off their $200 phones lol, ironically jerry is the only person on earth who bought a note 20 lmao
  14. I’m not stalling, you are. Lmao. If you had the proof, you would have posted it. You’re even trying to get out of it by getting banned so you don’t have to face the embarrassment. not gonna work
  15. I’m gonna keep on renting, too Paying $1,300 for a phone that’s already only worth 650, lmfao.
  16. Why do you need a ban bet? Should be pretty simple, if true. im waiting.
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