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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. iPhone 11: #1 highest selling phone #1 in customer satisfaction keep goin Tim
  2. I asked you why I would want to own ANY phone. you haven’t given me a single reason.
  3. Home pod does look cool, I just have no use for it. I have like 5 dots and 3 echos as is. Lol
  4. Why would I want to own them? He still hasn’t given a reason
  5. He really thinks he’s owned me. Lmfao. He has a phone for 3 years, I get 3 phones in that time. So, again.. why would I buy them?
  6. The iPhone 11 is worthless to me when I have the iPhone 12. this fool things this is news or something? Lol
  7. Yeah and no biggie. I just don’t see why not, I don’t mind paying the extra. I mean I could just buy outright and resell for ~700 but I prefer a little more for the ease of it
  8. Why would I want to own it when it will be worthless to me in a month?
  9. That’s because I wanted the 12 as well. And keep in mind, I have the top of the line version which costs $300 more per year than your version.
  10. And I’ll get a 13 for $480 lol. Except I’ll get the top of the line model for that price, you will have the base version.
  11. And yet, I’m getting a new phone YEARLY. You have to wait three years
  12. Or I could just buy it lmfao? What point are you TRYING to make?
  13. His phone or not, no one wants to break their phone retard. Obviously the entire purchase/lease was a waste of money in EITHER event. Lmfao - you’re an idiot.
  14. Exactly, I prefer the easiness of NOT reselling. you paid $400 per two and I pay $480 per year, but I get a new phone yearly when you get a new one every other year. if I had a two year cycle I would buy and resell, but I’m losing very little for the Convenience
  15. You realize I can simply not upgrade my phone and would own mine after two years, right?
  16. I pay $480 and get a new phone every year. He paid 400 and gets a new phone every two. Let’s keep in mind my phone is $300 more than his msrp. If I had his phone, it would have been roughly 20 a month, aka 240 a year, aka 480 every two years compared to his 400 for two years. Are you... this dumb?
  17. He’s furious he just spent $1300 on a phone, and one that cut his battery life in HALF compared to his old one. Ohhhh man, look at the lies he’s cookin up!
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