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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. No one cares about how powerful switch is! LOL! the only reason ANYONE wants a xsx is because of its power (definitely not games) and well, that’s going out the window... FAST
  2. Every year they double the price of everything then say.. 50% off! Lmfao same fucking price it was before you cunts.
  3. If they can’t get a last gen game to run 60fps while 4K then I’m not sure if this console is even half as strong as they claim for it to be. and look at that, lemmings don’t care about graphics anymore. LOL
  4. Because it’s a straight port on a handheld device that came out 3 years ago. That was easy. What’s Series X’s excuse? This game is almost a year old, already.
  5. This game looks like it’s from 2012, why isn’t it 4K 60FPS?
  6. Lol so basically it has to completely drop most graphical settings to achieve it. Hahaha. Outside of multi gen games this shit will never run 120hz with great graphics
  7. Even during a pandemic, damn. Lol. https://news.gallup.com/opinion/gallup/321650/gallup-election-2020-coverage.aspx
  8. President Trump says he doesn't believe he is contagious and, less than a week after testing positive for coronavirus, he is ready to resume campaign rallies. He says he is immune from another infection and attributed his recovery to being a "perfect physical specimen." @-GD-X closed my threads yesterday, but I have a link now. Biden woulda dropped DEAD! https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-covid-19-updates-thursday/h_2859c79d3b67ec614fc532f7537f6c37
  9. https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/07/politics/trump-oval-office-coronavirus/index.html Joe would be dead
  10. She tested positive and isn’t really having any symptoms
  11. This shit in incredible. Diagnosed and fully recovered in less than a week. Bu bu obese 😭 bu bu old man 😭
  12. If you had no protection and it was winter you would die. Fuck winter.
  13. https://www.thegamer.com/master-chief-smash-bros-ultimate/ Bu bu plz invite ussss ;(
  14. If you back Biden, you’re racist. Dude called a KKK leader a FRIEND, and this is who you want in office? Biden is 5x the racist Trump is, and the proof is right here. It’s always been here, right in front of us.
  15. What ever you need to say to make yourself feel better, LOL, either way Trump won, and Hilary didn’t. Nothing you can say will EVER charge that.
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