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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. By saying you’re not black if you don’t vote for me is saying he is on the side of black people?
  2. A singular poll is what i was responding to. Someone posted... a singular poll. One that is incredibly wrong
  3. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/clinton-vaults-double-digit-lead-boosted-broad-disapproval/story?id=42993821
  4. Plenty of polls by major networks said Hilary had a huge lead, just like they’re saying Biden had a huge lead. you have one month until you’re permed btw, remember our little Bet?
  5. Works for me, racist Biden ain’t winnin, and this corona virus is just another win for trump. The dude can’t lose. Biden would shrivel, and trump will be sure to point that out
  6. Democrats must think black people are dumb as rocks. Nominate a known racist as their candidate and pretend it never happened. This is 10x more racist than anything trumps EVER said.. DAMN!
  7. What makes you think it has? He literally just said “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”
  8. Sounds like Biden is gonna be worse than Trump. He doesn’t believe in rehabilitation, and thinks blacks are super predators. Watch the video, it’s evident. If you’re black and break the law, you’re getting “taken off the streets with no chance for rehabilitation” Damn bro!
  9. He said of course I condemn it. Tf lmao. Regardless, these are actual quotes from Biden. Actual polices he put into place, because of “super predators that are beyond the pale”
  10. Let’s talk about Biden’s policies and hatred for blacks, then. They’re super predators that are “beyond the pale”. Let’s also talk about how he said “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”.
  11. Biden deserves NOT to be president based on how badly he got demolished. That’s all I know. Not my fault dems couldn’t come up with a strong candidate. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  12. You’d preferably have someone who doesn’t get dominated by that 12 year old, no?
  13. You think stuttering joe even made a point during the debates? Trump steamrolled him, that’s who you want for your president. someone who is steamrolled... by TRUMP. LMAO.
  14. If trump survives, it will give faith to the US people that we have a warrior. Sleepy joe would be on his final sleep with rona, no doubt.
  15. He’s actually arguing now that Hilary wasn’t far ahead the whole time. This is amazing
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