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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Was just about to post this. Not only did the protestors do as described in the OP, they actively blocked roadways to the hospital and chanted “we hope they die.” the left, y’all.
  2. Not one to defend halo but I think 5 is the best selling xbox exclusive
  3. I really wish it had released. It might actually have got a 3/10. It would have been fucking glorious.
  4. Donald Trump has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize following his efforts to broker a deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). https://news.sky.com/story/donald-trump-nominated-for-nobel-peace-prize-12067203
  5. racism is just a majority. If you were to be surrounded by any race that you weren’t a part of you’d see racism. If I walk down the streets of Chicago or Compton at 2 am as a white person I’ll also see racism. if 5 little children (4 white, 1 black) want to play a game, and the 4 whites choose hide and seek, and the black chooses tag, the game being played is hide and seek. is that racist?
  6. I mean that’s what the reasoning is. Lol. here is another quote from CNN: While the alleged sexual assault occurred long before Trump became President, the Justice Department argued that it must take over because Trump's comments spurring the defamation lawsuit came while he was in office.
  7. Trump's remarks were made in the performance of his official duties as president and that therefore government attorneys should assume Trump's defense from his private lawyers.
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