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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. No.. you didn’t. Those 300 people are not confirmed to be in the official report. Even so, 14700 is still a lot. Until you comb through ever single one, 15000 is the official number.
  2. “That is reparations,” Atkins continued. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.” The unrest was prompted by a social media post urging people to converge on Chicago’s business district after police shot a man on the South Side around 2:30 p.m. Sunday. holy fuck, what a cancer to society lmfao.
  3. Doesn’t matter. 15,000 incidents.. we have a lot of em. You can comb through em if you want, I’m just going off official reports.
  4. The rally was organized by Black Lives Matter Chicago and was held at a police station in the South Loop where organizers say individuals are currently being held in custody. At least one organizer called the looting tantamount to "reparations." “I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” said Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, according to NBC Chicago. “That makes sure that person has clothes.” damn lol this BLM organizer (was arrested) is saying looting is fair, LOL .. the mentality of
  5. The real question is what’s your credit limit?
  6. I’m using your logic, that’s all. Either way, 7% of BLM protests being violent is very yelling as is.
  7. I can show you a few quotes of Jerry showing how racist he is. Lemme know if you want em.
  8. But they’re not a criminal, based on your logic. Doesn’t make sense. He either is or isn’t, and well, sounds like he’s not. however, there was a curfew in place, and these people broke it. That’s a clear violation. luckily, we don’t live in a fascist country and the govt showed leniency.
  9. Oh, good to know. Why do you want justice for Breonna Taylor’s “killer”? He’s not a criminal. I guess the cop who shot Jacob Blake isn’t either. Cool.
  10. He’s actually DEFENDING known criminals. Lol. It isn’t illegal to be racist, but it’s illegal to disobey the law. he claims I’m defending racists (I’m not, they’re idiots) but he’s openly Defending people who break actual laws.... ironic LOL
  11. That 15,000 will completely fill all but ONE US prison. Damn. The ENTIRE rikers island prison would be filled and thousands would be waiting outside!
  12. 15,000 people arrested isn’t a good look, ever. Yikes that’s a lot of criminals.
  13. Wow that might be even worse, then. 7% of protests lead to 25,000+ arrests. What an awful 7% correction: 15,000. But probably closer to 25 now anyway.
  14. BLM isn’t even the problem, it’s the blacks and whites taking advantage of the movement to “get theirs”, which sadly is a large percent (7%, as jerry showed us)
  15. What’s there to be mad about? My stance hasn’t changed. scum and thuggery knows no color, only attitude
  16. And? I condemn white antifa’s members too and white supremacists and BLM scum bags who started looting
  17. “Nope they are” isn’t good enough. Quit stalling. Also, the Gallup poll was from 6/23-7/6. LOL YOI DONT EVEN KNOW YOUR OWN SOURCE
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