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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I’ll need a link stating that they’re more credible than Monmouth, otherwise you’re stalling. Damn tho, 70% of Americans think the 1.8 million thugs ruined it for BLM. Can’t blame em, really
  2. If Jerry is driving down the road, and someone rear ends the car behind him, which causes that car to rear end him... he thinks HE has to pay
  3. No, I’m using logic. If car x crashes into car y caused car R to crash it isn’t Rs fault.
  4. I have a university. You have a private company that’s known for... nothing. LOL. Pathetic.
  5. Yes, exactly. White racists wouldn’t have been there if it were for the protestors destroying cities
  6. Gallup over to the next suggestion, your data is worthless LOL. Luckily I have an official data source backed by a university. it’s all over, for you Gallup lmfao
  7. But the right wing would have never have been there if BLM wasn’t there already. Simple as that, it’s all over for you. 7% of violent protestors deserve beaten and publically shamed
  8. A “Gallap poll” ? I’m using a universities research, you’re using,,,, GALLAP
  9. https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/documents/monmouthpoll_us_070820.pdf/ nice try, but all they did was quote monmouth university. let me guess, that’s a RACIST school
  10. I stuck on topic. BLM started riots (while illegal die to corona in most places) that produced nearly 2million scum bags. im waiting for your response.
  11. I don’t have to convince anyone. 70% of America thinks the protests were irrelevant, with almost 40% saying it hurt the cause. Not even 30% of people in America think the riots had a positive impression on the movement. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/poll-70-percent-of-americans-think-black-lives-matter-has-not-improved-race-relations/
  12. The right wingers wouldn’t even be there if there weren’t protests to begin with. Simple cause and effect. 100% entirely BLMs fault. Every single death You must not remember the little outburst at CNN headquarters that triggered all of this
  13. Recent polls show that up to 26 million may have protested. You admitted that 93% were peaceful, that means 1.8 million were violent and chaotic. 1.8 million people being violent and chaotic... = good, to you. LOL
  14. “Only 7% of hurricanes killed people this year, hurricanes aren’t bad.” the problem is those 7% got the most news coverage, most people don’t even know about the other hurricanes
  15. Well if that’s the standard Democrats have.. “just be a little better than white supremacists” LOL i don’t need a comparison. You just admitted 10k+ rioters are scumbags.
  16. A 10% rate isn’t good. There were thousands of protestors, prob upwards of 100k+ this means that roughly 10,000 violent rioters were out during this. That is a massive amount of scum
  17. Yeah it just depends. I’m sure there are other hacks similar though. Just gotta get creative with moving money around. This is a good thread idea tho, we need a generalized CC discussion (didn’t realize we had others)
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