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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. The top one looks better For the most part I thought this was delayed?
  2. It makes it a lot less “racist” if you simply change the terms. xbox has shit games and is known for flops nintendo has great games and makes gems if there’s an unreleased game on Xbox, I assume by nature it’s shit. If it’s a ninty first party banger, I’m gonna assume it’s gonna be great. and Xbox is mad at the industry for thinking it’s games are shit based on history, instead of making moves for better games. well. Change some words there and you have “racism”
  3. It may depend on where you go but I haven’t ran into any. Even so a small fee isn’t really a big deal all things considered also I stress that this may be blocked on your card etc so maybe look into it, but I’ve done it successfully a few times now (one though citi one through chase)
  4. One thing I noticed about those “spend x in x months to receive x points”.. they’ve long caught on to buying gift cards but you can get a money order still ie spend 2k in 3 months. Obviously if you just used the card you’d spend 2k but you can also just go get a money order using the card, deposit the money into your bank, and pay off the card Only a matter of time before they catch that tho
  5. 770 right now. I changed a loan to a credit card (0% apr) and my credit took around a 40 point hit. Stupid
  6. Well.. 228 blacks were killed by police in 2018 (and in sure a majority were justified) compared with the 2600 black on black murders in 2018 let’s worry about the 10% instead?
  7. This isn’t even close to being true, lol. 2600 cases of white people murdering each other in 2018, and 2600 cases of black people murdering each other. black people are 13% of the population. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2018/crime-in-the-u.s.-2018/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-6.xls 250 million whites, 44 million blacks. If it were the same “rate”, whites would have murdered each other 10,000+ times
  8. So assuming you have full power over US, what laws would you create/alter (or incentives, etc) to promote this ideology?
  9. You aren’t making a point. You’re saying it’s wrong to laugh at them being killed. Frankly, I don’t give a fuck what you think about me. Shit is funny, all things considered. What a fucking moron.
  10. “we don’t need the police, we can take out the trash on our own” ”I’m not sad a fascist died” *crowd ERUPTS*
  11. Well, yeah, I did see liberals praising the murder of right wingers. I already discussed it. It wasn’t just one, a big ole group of em.
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